Ch. 35 Left without a goodbye

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Raphael groaned as he opens up his eyes. His arms and chest felt weak. Donnie loomed over him as he helps him sit up.

"Are you alright Raph ?" Donnie asks.

"Yeah I'm just sore" Raph said as he looks around. Imgaines of Mikey tied up over mutantgen still haunted his mind.

"Where's Mikey is he alright ?" Raph asks.

"He's safe, he's just on the coach" Donnie replied.

Leo enters the lab. Raph glares at Leo remembering he left the lair.

"How are you doing ?" Leo asks.

"Fine, I just want to see Mikey" Raph said as he slowly stands up.

"Your better thank Mikey, he's the one who saved you" Lek points out.

"He did ?" Raph asks.

"Yeah he used the healing hands to save you" Donnie explains.

"I need to see him now" Raph said as he exits the lab and heads to the living room.

Raph wanted to tell Mikey. How much he was sorry for hurting him and how proud he was of him. But one problem Mikey wasn't there. On the coach was a letter. Raph picked it up and read it.

Dear Bros, I'll be leaving with Shiningami to Japan. I know I've got a lot to learn to be a better ninja , I mean I'm not as brave as leo, not smart as Donnie and not even strong like Raph. I'm just... me the joke, the weakest link. I don't want to feel weak anymore. I want to find my inner strength and I have to find it alone. Tell Master Splinter and Ice cream kitty I'll be fine and promise I'll come back soon.

-Love your little brother Mikey

After reading the letter. Raph felt his heart shattered. Did Mikey run away to find himself because of all the things he's said to him. Raph clenched the letter to his heart, tears streamed down his face as be fell to his knees.

"Oh Mikey" Raph sobs.


Meanwhile at Shredder's burned down wear house.

The mutagen started to bubble and rumbling as hisses are heard. Suddenly Iku brusts from the mutagen revaling her new frightening form.

The End ?

Note - There will be a squeal called A turtle's self journey. Where Mikey will try to find himself with the help of Shinigami. I'll just need help with it. Thank you guys with all the support with the story

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