Ch.20 I trusted You !

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On the rooftops Shinigami, smirks as she pets her black cat. She looks at the scroll in her hands.

"Good work my pet, Now I can stop Shredder's plan dead in it's tracks" Shiningami laughs.

"Why did you do it ?"

Shinigami turns around in shock to see Mikey again.

"Mikey ?" What are you doing here ?" Shinigami asks.

"Trying to find you !" "I brought you to my home to help you and steal from us, Why ?" Mikey exclamies.

Shinigami studies Mikey's eyes and notices how red they where. It looked like he had been crying.

"Mikey are you okay ?" Shinigami asks as she slowly approaches him.

"No I'm not !" "My brother hates me even more because of you" Mikey exclamies whipping away his tears.

Shinigami frowns placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna talk about ?" Shinigami asks quitly.

"Why did you do it ?!" "Why did you steal from my father !" Mikey sobs.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Mikey, I have to stop Shredder's poison  plan" Shinigami explains.

"Then why didn't you tell me your plans, we could of helped you ?" Mikey asks.

"Because your brother didn't trust me if I had told you my real plans , you wouldn't have taken me to your lair" Shinigami asks.

"You made me think you where hurt !" Mikey exclaims. "I was worried sick about you"

More tears streamed down Mikey's face. "I trusted you !" Mikey sobs.

Shinigami looks at the ground in shame. "I'm sorry, Mikey" Shinigami whispers.

"First Raph calls me useless and now you using me, I...I just can't handle it". Mikey  sobs falling to his knees.

Shinigami's eyes soften as she kneels down to the youngest turtle's
height. She hugs him, giving him comfort. Mikey crys in to her shoulder. She holds him not letting go for 5 minutes. As Mikey sobs die down Shinigami lets him go. She didn't want to leave Mikey like this so she knew what to do.

"Come with to the temple, I have plans to destroy it" Shinigami explains.

Nodding slowing, Mikey stands up and follows Shinigami. Not knowing the dangers to come .

A turtle's self doubt (Mikey×Shinigami story) Where stories live. Discover now