Ch.27 A father daughter argument

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Shinigami slowly opens up her eyes. It was really dark. Shinigami scans the room and sees the metal bars of her prison. Shinigami growls remembering her captured last night. Then she feels some slightly moving beside her. Looking down she sees Mikey, nuzzled against her chest. Shinigami smiles down at Mikey and rubs his head foundly. Remembering the only good thing last night where she had kissed the youngest turtle's forehead.

"He's so peaceful when he's asleep" Shinigami thought. To her Mikey looked like a kitten cuddling.

Suddenly Shinigami hears a noise thinking quickly she covers Mikey back up with her cape and pretends to be asleep. She hears someone opening up the cell. Shinigami tightens her arms around Mikey. She wasn't going to let anyone hurt him. Not while she was breathing. She opens one eye and sees Tigerclaw with his back turned. He was hand cuffig her father to one of the bars of thire cell. Tigerclaw leaves the cell. Knowing the close was clear. Shinigami opens up her eyes and looks at her father, she hasn't seen in years. Norio looks at her, his eyes soften.

"Luna" Norio whispers.

"Don't call me that, it's Shinigami" Shinigami snares darkly.

When he hears this, he felt his heart shatter. Luna was a name he's late wife wanted. It meant a lot to him.

"There's a lot I want to talk to you about, but it's not like you would listen to me anyway" Shinigami said.

"Look I know ignoring you was not a good way to cope" Norio explains.

"That's because I reminded how much I looked like her !" Shinigami shouts.

"You couldn't even look at me anymore" Shinigami snares as tears brimmed into her eyes.

"When I need you, you where just so strick, you didn't care what Maya and Iku where doing to me and you blew me off when I told you I had powers" Shinigami said.

" That's because at the timeI thought your mother was just imaging theses powers, she was too much influence by her crazy grandmother !" Norio snares.

"How dare you, grandmother has been more of a parent than you ever could !" Shinigami growls.

The sound of arguing had woke Mikey up but the father and daughter didn't notice.

Norio frowns sadly.

"I'm sorry Luna...

Like a speeding light Shinigami was suddenly in front of her father.

"I'm not Luna anymore !" Shinigami screams in his face.

Norio face twisted in anger.

"Luna is what your mother named you ! She loved that name, it means something to me" Norio shouts.

"Luna was your daughter, I'm not" Shinigami snares coldy.

"Than whoam am I speaking to ? Because I know you are my daughter".

"Tell me than how do you know" Shinigami scoffs.

"Because you have so much of your mother in you, She was so firce, temper and very quick to act, that's what I admired about her" Norio said as he smiled at the memorys.

"I loved her so much and that's why I love you, my daughter" Norio whispers.

He tries to hug his daughter, but Shinigami steps back.

"It's going to take time to forgive you" Shinigami whispers turning away from him.

"I understand" Norio whispers sadly.

Shinigami notices Mikey was awake and he was looking at them.

"I swear I just woke up" Mikey said quickly.

Shinigami giggles. "It's okay I'm sorry we woke you up" Shinigami said as she kneels in front of Mikey.

Norio excamies Mikey but doesn't say a word. Shinigami rubs Mikey's head again.

Suddenly there was another noise and Tigerclaw and Maya stood in front of thire cell. Shinigami growls.

"It's time for Shredder's plan to come into action" Maya said as Tigerclaw opens up the cell. Shinigami stands in front of Mikey. She wasn't going to let anyone hurt Mikey. Tigerclaw tries to grab them but Shinigami punches him. Suddenly Maya knocks out Shinigami and Mikey with pink powder. Shinigami falls to the floor as Mikey feels drowsy as he hears shouts and cruss from Norio before falling uncouises.

Note- We get an insider look further of Shinigami and Norio's relationship. Next Chapter Shredder's plan comes into full swing as Mikey, Shinigami and Kushi are tied up over the poisonous mauntengen.

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