Chapter 1, The encounter...

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*Yami's POV*
I just wanna play. I don't want all these duties, all this responsibility. I just wanna be a normal kid. "Yami dear, why not go play outside? Me and your father need to discuss something." my mom said. I nodded my head and started to walk to it. A guard came with me because I can't go anywhere without someone breathing down my neck. Don't get me wrong, I love all the people in the palace but I need some freedom.

"Sir please excuse me as I'm being called, don't wonder off without anyone," the guard said and left. Wait am I on my own?!?! Yes! Now I can do whatever I want! Walking to the edge I had a look at the city. It looks so shiny, I wonder what it would be like to explore there? Mother and father would never let me go, even with a body guard. They say that it would be too dangerous for me to walk around.

I lay down on the grass and looked up at the clouds floating in the sky. The breeze feels great, I can't feel it from my window. I heard some bushes started to rattle and shot up. Maybe an animal? Ooo maybe it's a cat! I got closer to the sound and saw something purple sticking out. As far as I know, there's no purple cats...right? I didn't want to find out what it was so I stepped back.

"Owwe, my foot hurts..."I heard and spun round to see a little boy crawling out of the bush. Wait, why does he look like me? For what I can see he doesn't have as many golden bolts as I haves spiked up and he has a little golden bang as his fringe. I don't know this boy...he could be here to hurt me! I want to turn, I want to run from him but I don't feel as though he will do anything.

"How did you get here? Did someone send you here?" I asked and made sure to keep our distance. He sat in front of me and rubbed his leg. It's bleeding! "Hey do you want some help? I can get someone to see to your injury."

"I don't think that will be necessary. I have had worse so don't worry. My name is Yugi Muto, what's yours?" he asked and showed a bright smile. He is really friendly with someone he has just met... What do I do? Do I tell him my real name or lie? Mom told me to never to lie but...

"Sennen, Yami Sennen. It's nice to meet you Yugi," I said and held out my hand. His smile grew even more and took it, shaking our hands. "But for real Yugi, your leg looks bad. Is there anything I can do?"

"Well I guess a bandage? It'll help stop the bleeding." he said and I nodded at him. Pushing him out of view, I left him to find him a bandage or something to help him. One of the guards stopped me and I asked him. He questioned me but I made up an excuse saying that I found animal I wanna help. Making my way back to Yugi, I could see his hair poking up from his hiding place.

Letting out a small giggle, I walked over to him and he light up when he saw me. "I got this, here let me do it," I said and grabbed his leg. He seemed fine with it as he was staring out into the city. Looking at his was worse then I thought. It was a big gash and a lot of little ones running up his leg. "Yugi how did this happen?"

"oh well I was being chased by these bullies and had to climb a fence to get away from them. But it was metal so my leg got caught. After I kept falling and hurting my leg on stones but meh. I got away so it's all good!" he said and seemed cheery. I just wrapped up his leg the best I could and sat beside him. Now that I think about it, he is the first real friend I have made on my own.

"So Yugi where do you come from?" I asked and lay back down next to him. He lay down as well and turned to face me.

"My family runs a game shop in the city so I stay there with them. Is this where you live Yami?" he asked and I found myself nodding at him. "Wow really? This place is massive! You must be living the dream life. I would love to be here!"

"Yeah well when you are trapped in here for your whole life, it suddenly becomes a bad time," I mumbled and didn't realise what I was saying. Looking at Yugi he had a sad look on his face. "Errr I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ramble."

Yugi just laughed and sat back up. "It's starting to get late, my mommy and daddy are gonna get worried. It was fun Yami, bye!" he said and got back up, getting ready to climb into the bush he came out of.

"Wait Yugi!" I yelled a little bit too loud. Yes he looked back but my face felt warm. "C-Can you come back tomorrow?" I asked and looked away from him. I wanna spend more time with him, he seems like such a nice boy and I wanna get to know him more.

"Yeah ok! Same time tomorrow?" he asked and I nodded at him. He smiled and left from where he came from. I have a friend...a proper friend. But if I tell my mother and father about him they might stop me from seeing him. I wanna keep this secret. I wanna stay friends with Yugi.

This is just a little story that came to mind. Yes I know that this might not be a normal Yugi x Yami story but I LIKE TO BE DIFFERENT! I hope that this will be a good little story.

ANy way, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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