Chapter 47, An effect...

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*Yugi's POV*

I wonder how long Joey and Kaiba will be gone? But...when they come back, they'll no doubt bring him back. I don't want to see him, I don't won't to be near him. So why am I lying in his bed!?!

I shot up annoyed at myself and climbed onto the other bed. I wanna go home, but I want Joey to come with me. Because what other reason does he have to be here? I decided to go for a walk but before leaving I saw my puzzle. The one thing to keep me and Yami connected when he left me... 

Just leaving it, I went out off the room and wandered around. I remember when I first came here...all the maids swarmed me but Yami saved me. It makes me wonder if all we went through was him just acting. But it seemed so real... I heard running footsteps coming from down the long hall and looking down I saw Kaiba with someone is his arms. 

"Yugi move!!" he yelled and I jumped out of the way and let him run past me. He actually called me by my normal name, something must be wrong. Joey was following behind but was limping. 

"Hey Joey what's going on?"I asked and started to walk with him where ever they were going.

"Yami, he. Something is wrong with him. He had trouble breathing in the car and threw up blood." Joey said and I felt something tug in the back of my heart. We kept going until we reached the nurses room and Yami was taken from Kaiba and he was forced out of the room. "How is he Kaiba?"

"I...don't want to be very worried because his body is naturally strong against poison. But with the way he is his body isn't working properly." he said and Joey hung his head. Kaiba's phone went off and he saw it was a message. He opened it and me and Joey leaned over to see what it was.

Kaiba it's Atem. I need to warn you that I think Yami might of ate some poison berries. I'm not too sure though so just keep an eye on him. I don't know what these berries do though...

He...ate poison berries? Why would he do that!?! I saw the colour from Seto's face drain as he finished reading the message. "Joey, you and Tyke stay here, I'm going back and getting one of them to find out what it does." he said and Joey shook his head. 

"Nu uh Kaiba. You have seen the snow. It's piling up and who knows what will happen if you go out. It won't do us any good if you and Yami are injured." Joey said and kept talking to him but I didn't pay attention. My attention was drawn to the room Yami was in, he kept coughing up blood and the nurses cleaning up. They hooked him up to different machines and he had a rag on his head.

"There's nothing we can do for now come on you two," Kaiba said and started to walk off with Joey. I couldn't move, my feet were glued to the ground watching the scene before me. I have been up at that hill for so long, why haven't I ever noticed the berries before? Who knows what they do. "Tyke come on!" 

Kaiba's raise of voice snapped me out of my trance and I joined them. They walked me back to Yami's room and Seto left us. Joey and I walked in and I sat on Yami's bed, while Joey sat on mine. "Man, to think the guy ate poison berries. He is something else, I just hope he'll be alright," Joey said and lay down on my bed. I found myself staring at the puzzle until Joey clogged me. "Are ya worried for him?"

"Well I hate him but wouldn't want anything to happen to the guy," I said and flopped down. I grabbed his pillow and breathed in, it still has his scent on it. Wait what am I doing!?! "Joey. When will we be able to head to the game shop?"

"Wait has no one told you?" he asked and I laid on my side to see him. "You weren't supposed to be let go. Yami struck a deal with Atem to get you out."

Again, he's saying that Atem had me. I just can't believe it, Atem wasn't anywhere when I was getting beat I know for sure it was Yami. Right? Yeah...I know it was. "S-So the time I was missing with 'Atem' where was Yami the entire time?"

"He was searching for you. Everyday and night whenever he could. I think he didn't sleep at night because he was worried about you." he said which got me thinking. Is it true? Was it Atem that had me? I got up from the bed and grabbed my puzzle. "Hey Yuge where are ya going!?! HEY!"

I left the room and headed straight to the nurses room. I watched from the window and saw that he was left alone on a machine. I entered the room as quiet as I could and sat in the chair next to the bed. 

"Yami? Can you hear me? Look...if I am to truly understand what happened and if I am to trust you again. I'm going to need to hear both sides of the story. Atem's and...yours." I mumbled and took his hand.

He started to cough again and I saw that he was again coughing up blood. A few nurses ran in and attended to him while one dragged me away. This cough is worst then the last, he's not calming down!! "Tyke what's going on!?!" I heard and turned to Seto. I felt the wetness on my check and burst down.

"H-he is coughing again...but this time it's worse," I said and turned to him. He was struggling to keep his breath and the nurses was scrambling around. Please Yami...fight!!

Well then....Yami ate the berries. What was he thinking!?! Luckily Atem got there before anything else happened. So Yugi is listening to the information he is being told, will things be normal soon? 

I hope you guys enjoys this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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