Chapter 26, Where champions were made...

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*Yugi's POV*

I have never been so happy for a school trip before. My emotions are running too wild with even being near Yami, what is going on? The bus that was taking us to the arena was a three by two sitter bus so I sat in the middle and Joey and Yami on either side of me. "Oh yeah! I'm so pumped to be going here were champions are made!!"Joey yelled and was getting jumpy on his seat.

"Joey you need to chill man. We haven't even started moving yet and your ready to jump back off," I said and we all started to laugh. Joey put both his earphones in and was moving to his music. I pulled out my phone going to my music but it died as soon as I got my playlist out.

"Yugi here," Yami said and was on YouTube on his phone. "Put on whatever you want and we'll listen to it."

"Are you sure Yami? My music might not be your cup of tea," I said and got my earphones out. He just smiled at me and grabbed one of them. I just sighed and put the other one in. I chose a song and put it on, waiting for Yami's reaction to it.

"Hey this is pretty good Yugi, and you said I wouldn't like it," he said and looked out the window to his right with a big smile. I can't help but to think about when we kissed... that was my first kiss and I had it with Yami. He doesn't seem to be phased by it so, should I? I just shoved this thought aside and enjoyed the music until we got to the Champions arena. It was much bigger then the last time I saw it through the internet.

"Alright students! Stay together and stay with someone in pairs or in threes!" the teacher yelled and Tea looked at me. She has been a little over the top. I know she likes me but I haven't really seen her that way. I turned to Yami and he gave me a thumbs up knowing what I was think. Kaiba came and joined us while Tea went to Joey.

We walked in and was greeted by the main office. A woman told us what we were allowed to see and if we needed help there was buttons everywhere for security guards to come and help us. The teacher let us go have a look but with a warning that they would keep a close eye on us. Tea and Joey come to us and we decided to stay in a group. 

"Hey check it, it's the Champions deck!" Joey screamed and slammed his face against the glass. We all went to it and saw the legendary cards that was once used to make someone champion and from what I heard even saved the world. No one knows his real name, he always changed it and never stuck with one name. He disappeared a long time ago and no one knows what happened to him.

Kaiba started to talk to Joey and I saw Tea coming closer to me. She is getting too clingy to me, I've already told her I see her as a friend. The rest of the class saw what we were looking at and charged at us, shoving us out of the way. I waved my hands around in a frantic and someone grabbed it dragging me away from the crowd. We started to run and soon enough got away from everyone. "Hey thanks for that Yami."

"What was I gonna do? Just leave you to get lost in the crowd. And I kind of saw that you were getting uncomfortable with your friend Tea so I thought a little time away would be alright," he said and took a few breaths. I realised he was still holding my hand but I didn't say anything until he looked down. "Oh sorry, didn't realise."

He unlocked our hands and I felt the warmth leave me,  why was that so nice? "So Yugi you know more about this place then I ever will so care to show me around?" Yami asked and held his arm out. I just laughed at him and took his arm leading the way. I showed the arena, the training grounds duellist used to use and even some of the shops you could buy cards. We even got him a deck because he didn't have his own.

This kind of feels like... "It's feels like a date huh Yugi?" Yami asked and I jumped out of skin. How on earth was he think the exact thing I was thinking!?! He just laughed at me and I had to turn my beetroot face away from him. We came across a food stand and Yami went to the bench waiting for me. He offered to pay but I refused to let him.

I asked for two burgers and she just giggled at me. "Oh hun is that your boyfriend over there? If I'm not mistaken he is the prince," she said and I shook my head as fast as I could. "Oh what a shame, you two look so cute, here you are." She gave me the food and I thanked her, returning to Yami.

Do everyone see us as a couple? I mean why? Do we look like we are together or is the fact that we are always together??

Thanks to this chapter I now have things planned for this book. So was this a date between them? I'd say it was ^w^

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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