Chapter 62, The Unexpected..

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*Yami's POV*
"Hey Yugi, think you and your Grandpa would like to move in the palace?" I asked and looked out at the city. It was only 5pm and the sun was starting to set at our favourite spot on the hill.

"I dunno. That place belonged to my parents so I think he would want to stay but..." he said and I saw him fidget.

"But....what? Something on your mind?" I asked and he just scoffed at me. He shuffled closer to me and laid his head on my shoulders.

"Umm well I to move to the palace," he said and I turned to him with the widest smile I could give him. "I mean I'm close to Grandpa also to my friends. What that be alright then if I come?"

"Of course it would!" I yelled and threw my arms around him. He just giggled against me and hugged me back. I saw something moving in the bushes across the road and tried to see what it was. Noting came out so I thought it was an animal and thought nothing of it. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the moment, Yugi is going to be moving in with me. That's all I could ever ask for.

A loud bang echoed through the air which made me re-open my eyes. Yugi went limp in my body and looking at him, he had a shot going right through his head. "Yugi....this. No. This-this can't be real!!" I yelled and shook him thinking it did something but I knew.

I knew he was dead, and I couldn't protect him. "Please! Someone please don't let this be real!!" I yelled and held his now cold body to me. "Please....I can't live without you...."

"Well maybe you should of thought about falling for a royal blood then," someone said and I saw the bushes move again. Pegasus came out of the bushes with a sadistic smile on him. "I warned you brat. Your the cause of this."

"Shut the hell up!! You pulled the trigger you murderer!!" I yelled and put Yugi on the ground. "I should kill you right now you fraud. Your no Prince or creator. Your a murderer."

"Well then, how about I give you a hand eh?" He said and threw his gun across the road to me. "Shoot me then.  Take that gun at your feet, aim it right at my head where I shot the other brat and kill me."

I bent down and picked up the gun without hesitation and aimed it right at him. I was shaking, not from fear but from rage. He started to walk  closer to me as if he was taunting me.

I let him get to the point to where he was right in front of me and the gun was on his forehead. "Do it. Pull the trigger. Let the rage inside you consume you and end my life," he said and started to raise his hand. My finger was halfway to pulling it before I took a final look at Yugi's dead body. "Pull the damned trigger boy!"

"Yami wake up!" I heard and got a painful slap, snapping me awake. The forest was now around me and instead of the sunset it was pitch black. I tried to look around but had to lie back down because my neck was still sore. "So much for being careful. Your gonna be in pain for a while so just stay down."

"Who-Whoever you are, come to my line of vision," I said and heard the person's footsteps coming closer to me. But it wasn't one person, there was another coming closer to me until  I saw one of their faces. "Atem? Why are you here?"

"Because I decided to go for a walk and ended up here, what do you think?" he said and the other person snickered. "You see it's pretry impressive what you can do with another body and a lot of lies."
Atem came to the side of me and helped me up so I could see around me. "This muppet helped me with my little escape."

"Hey bud, how's Seto doing?" The other asked and I saw it was Joey. "And don't call me a muppet or when we get back I'll put you back in hospital. But on the positive side. How's have you been? Apart from  almost being killed earlier?"

"Wait how's Yugi where is he!?!" I yelled and whipped my head around but pain shot through me stopping my movement.

"We warned ya not to move idiot," Joey said and scanned the area. "He's back at your main base. We needed to bring you away because if we tried to talk there a certain Kaiba would of stopped and questioned us."

I sighed in relief  realizing that it was just a dream I had earlier. "We need to get back Joey, I'm needed back there," I said and went to stand up. Joey put an arm around my back and helped me up. "Joey, Atem. Please. I need to see Yugi."

"What's with the ring?" Atem asked and I looked at my left hand. Damn, I didn't really wanted to say to them not yet at least.

"Oh my Ra you're engaged!?!?" Joey yelled and almost dropped me. "Tell me right now who asked who!!"

"Keep your voice down!! You sound like a fog horn," Atem said and Joey growled at him. "But for real though. Who was it that asked?"

That's right....he still likes Yugi. That's one of the reasons I didn't want to tell them yet. "I'll tall when we get back. Can we start going now?" I asked and Joey agreed. Atem came to the other side of me and we started to walk, them two acting as crutches for me

I tapped Atem's shoulder and got his attention. "I'm sorry," I whispered but he just shook his head and turned forward. Seto is going to be surprised when I show up with these two...

Ah yes. There is another one I'm having to do on my phone. I'm happy I can write but I wish I could be on a laptop. Hell of a lit faster on it then I am on a phone.

ANyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, is so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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