Chapter 29, Wrong timing...

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*Yami's POV*

We got to the dinner hall and I saw the amazement in his eyes. "I swear this place is meant for giants!!" he said and kept looking around. Heh that's funny, coming from his since his height... But on a side note I guess this is his first time in the dinner hall, I wonder if he would be alright coming back up?

"Yami, what on earth took so long? Did Tyke get lost and you had to track him down?" Seto said and pointed at Yugi. I just shook my head and we all sat at the table. The maids brought in the food then after the table was set they sat with us. "So how is the school work for you two? Easy enough?"

"Yeah it's not that bad. The classes are easy enough, it's the rest of the school that is the trick. Fan girls are always stopping me it's hard to move around," I said and let out a nervous laugh. Yugi just laughed as well as he knew the trouble because since he is the best in the school at duel monsters.

After a little bit of chit chat we got to a little desert but Seto's page went off. "Sorry looks like someone is at the main gate. Excuse me young sire," he said and left. Who could be coming at this time of night?

"So Yugi have you enjoyed your time up here? Apart from the maids fangirlling over you," I said and rubbed my neck. From now on when he comes up that shouldn't happen again. But I won't lie when I held him in my arms, it felt so nice having him just close to me.

"Yeah, I'm guessing that I didn't wonder the palace grounds when I was a kid. I need to thank you for inviting me up here Yami but it this really ok? I have no status like you..." he said and I slammed my hands on the table.

"What of course it's alright!! Even if it wasn't I don't care. Your my friend and even though you may not have status like me my title doesn't mean anything!!" I said and saw him sink into the chair. Has someone said something to him? I swear they have better not.

He went silent and I think I scared him a little but I hate that I'm a Prince. He thinks that we can't be friends... A knock came at the door and a maid walked in. "Pardon me sire. But there is a King from another kingdom that has come to see you and your guest Yugi," she said and we both turned to her.

Who is this person and how do they know about Yugi? I left my questions aside and we both went to my throne room where the maid told us to go and stood outside. I could hear Seto from the inside, is this why he got called away? I knocked on the door and Seto called us in.

I went in first and saw the back of the man that was in...and wanted to dive out of the window. "Yami, Yugi. I'm sure you have met Maximilian Pegasus. Well as creator of duel monsters but he is also the ruler of a neighbouring country." Seto said and...well I wanted to jump into a shark invested lake.

He turned to face us and greeted us with a smile. "Ahh Yami and....Yugi? Is it? So glad to see you. Me and Seto have been talking and I want to make peace with this kingdom," he said and came over to me. Why out of all people on this planet he had to be a King!?!

But hold on a minute, how does he know Yugi's name!?! I never told him and Seto wouldn't of said anything. No matter... I can't do anything against a King and for the sake of this country I need to play nice. "Yes I hope our countries can work together for a better future," I said and we shook hands.

Seto and him kept talking leaving me and Yugi to stand around like idiots. I caught Pegasus looking over at us, mostly at Yugi and grinning wildly. I stepped in front of him and he turned back to Seto, I really don't like this guy. "Hey Yami, how does this guy now my name?" Yugi asked and poked my back to get my attention.

"I'm just as clueless as you. Maybe we should leave," I said and went up to Seto and Pegasus. "Excuse me but we will take our leave. It was a honer to meet you Sir," I said and as much as I hated this man, I bowed down to show respect. They excused us but I took a finale glance back at Pegasus. I need to keep an eye on this guy.

*With Seto and Pegasus...*

"I hope you understand Seto, a normal person can not reside here in the palace you must get rid of him," I said and faced out the window.

"With all do respect Pegasus but that kid is a very close friend to the young sire, and me and another person do believe that they may have feelings for each other." he said and I almost lost my footing. This is not possible!! A person of royal blood has fallen for not even a knight!!!

"Seto this is absurd. A Prince can not love a normal person. You need to ban him from the palace at once!!" I yelled and turned to him.

"I can't just tell him to never come here again. They have a bond to which they have both lost their parents. When Yami lost his mother if it wasn't for Yugi then he would of cracked!!" Seto yelled and I was losing my patience. I went up to him and grabbed his collar.

"I don't care what their relationship is or was. He can not be here, I shall leave for today but I will be watching you," I said and stared him down for a few minutes. I let him go pushing him away a little and left.

So the brat and the kid love each other? Another thing on the list of weaknesses...

Oho! Pegasus has came in hot and he means business!! Poor Yugi and Yami, they were just eating normally and got disturbed. How will the future plan out with the boy? What will Pegasus do to them?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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