Chapter 10, A sad Yami...

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*Yami's POV*

"Sire it's time to wake up," I heard and slowly opened my eyes. I didn't realise it but I had fell asleep half way here. I took a little glance out and saw my home. I haven't been here in so long, it feels great to be back. "I already sent ahead a guard to alert your mother that we're coming so she'll be waiting for us at the gate."

I felt the excitement grow in me as we got closer to the gate, also seeing the outline of many different people. The car pulled up to them and a guard let me out of my car. "Yami..." I heard and looked at the direction it came from. My mother came from behind a one of the guards showing me a bright smile. I mirrored her action and ran up to hug her. "Welcome home dear, it's great to see you again."

"Like wise mother. It's been too long, it's great to be back," I said and felt her arms around me. Seto was about to walk away but I grabbed him and brought him into the hug as well. "Oh I don't think so hot shot. Your staying here."

He groaned at me but gave up and hugged the both of us. "I have missed the both of you. You argue like you used to but your so close I would think that the both of you are brothers," mother laughed and I could see the blush appearing on Seto's face. We all started to laugh and soon enough made our way into the palace.

We went to the main throne room and all sat down to catch up. "So Yugi, Seto. How were things over there? I know we always wrote but it's nice to hear from yous," mother said and look back and fourth between us. "I hope that the King's daughter wasn't too much for you Yami."

"Na me and Rebecca got along well. As for Seto I don't think he enjoy being around her," I laughed and received a punch from Seto. The only reason he did put up with her was because we needed to get along with her. We talked for hours, I didn't even keep up with the time but we finally got to the question I was dying to know. "I want to know how Yugi has been mother."

She went quite for the first time tonight, which wasn't a good sign. She put down her tea and took a deep breath. "I haven't said anything in my letters about one thing. When he was finally realised from the hospital I invited him up and we talked for a bit. When I asked him about you he..."

"Mother come on, I'm sure it's not as bad so please. I need to know," I said and held her hand. She was shaking...

"Yami, I'm afraid he doesn't remember you. You seem to be the only person he has forgotten everything about. I tried Yami...I tried everything but nothing worked," she said and was close to breaking down in tears.

But for myself...I couldn't stop them. It was like a river was coming out of my eyes. If only I could of seen him sooner! If I wasn't some powerless kid I could of come back and seen him, maybe even saved him the trauma! "T-T-This can't be t-true. I-I can't of lost m-my best friend..."

"Sire...there might be some hope. Your going to be going to his school right? I shall accompany you and we'll try our best to repair what has been damaged.." Seto said and he put a hand on my shoulder. I just shook it off and walked off to my room. Locking the door behind me, I just sat on the bed and wrapped a blanket around me.

If I came back sooner then maybe, just maybe I might of been able to help him. I will never forgive myself for this, if I wasn't so weak I could've said more. "Yami it's the door please," I heard and recognised it was Seto. I didn't want to see anyone so I just left him." Fine I'll talk from here. I know that your hurt but you can't dwell on this. Your going to see him shortly since your going to his school so we'll spend some time with him."

"W-what I-if he doesn't wanna be around me? W-what if he doesn't hang with me since my title? Seto I can't lose him he means too much to me..." I cried and walked to the door. I could sense that he was on the other side of the door, so I slid down the door so my back was against it. I brought my legs closer to my chest and hugged my puzzle

"Come on Yami....let me in," Seto said again and I just gave up, letting him in. He crouched down to my level. I felt him grab my arm and pulled me forward, I didn't fight him I had no strength in my arms. "It may take some time, but I promise you somehow we will succeed."

Good old Seto, I can always count on him to get me up when I'm down. I couldn't speak so I did a simple head nod to him. He has gotten used to the way I act now so when he pulled away from me he gave me a smile. "Now come on let's get back to your mother. We should finish talking," he said and held a hand out. I took his hand and he yanked me from my spot.

I'm thinking maybe next chapter will be Yami ad Seto's first time in school. Dunno have to think about it. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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