Chapter 25, Split up...

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*Yami's POV*
I kissed him...I actually kissed him. We drew apart and we were both blushing our heads off. "Seto what on earth were you thinking!" I yelled and turned to him. I could feel Yugi's gaze on me but I couldn't look him in the eye.

"Sorry my mind was in another place. No need to be like that with me sire," he said and high fived Joey. When did those two become buddy buddy!?!? After looking at their little friendship, I had the guts to look at Yugi but he was backing away. 

"Yuge bud, what's up?" Joey asked but Yugi didn't look at him, he kept his head hanging. Then he turned the other way and took off running. "YUGI WAIT!"

I went to chase him but Seto grabbed my arm and held me back. "Seto let me go this instant. I need to go to him," I said and tried to shake him off but he had a strong grip on me. He just shook his head at me and I just sighed in defeat."So if you won't let me chase him what am I supposed to do then?"

"Wait. That's all you can do for now. Give it ten minutes then find him." he said and finally let go. Everyone else just sat back down in their seat but I stayed standing. I wanted to go as soon as the ten minutes was over. "Yami, we apologise for what has happened. We just thought we would give you a hand to well..."

"Wait a minute. So you and Joey have been talking about me and my feelings!?!" I asked and they both nodded their heads. Great, my best friend and Yugi's best friend is playing cupid with us....  "I need to see HIM now"

I took off running with Seto trying to dive after me but failing and ending on the ground. I tried everywhere were I could think off around the school but came up with nothing. There is only one place that I haven't tried, which could be where he was. I was going up the stairs and saw that the door was open. 

I was going to go through it but then heard voices from the other side. "And then we actually kissed. I can't believe it that Joey did that," someone said and I knew it was Yugi. It sounded like he was talking to someone but I don't know who.

"Well what was the face of him? Did he hate it or was it something else?" the person said and I sat down to hear what they where saying. I don't think I know this voice, it sounds like a female but I think the only friend he know was this Tea girl hes told me about. 

"I don't think he hated it, he didn't say anything he just yelled at Kaiba," Yugi said and the girl just laughed a little. They kept chatting about random stuff which was quite funny. After they were done talking the bell went and I needed to run down a little so I didn't look suspicious. They came to the door and I pretended to go up there. "Y-Yami what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to have a word with you...alone if that's alright?" I asked and his friend agreed to leave. I caught that she had bright blond hair that was really long, I wonder who she is. She walked right past me leaving Yugi at the top of the stairs. "Is that alright with you Yugi?"

He just nodded his head and walked back to where he came from. I went up with him and had a quick look seeing if anyone was there but it was completely clear. "Yugi I can't say sorry enough for what happened earlier. If I knew what they were planning I would of told you. If not, I would of stopped them." I said.

"N-No it's fine it's not your fault so you don't need to say sorry,"he said and turned away looking at the city. I turned to where he was looking and it was at the palace. "Does it ever get lonely at the palace? I mean without many people your age?"

He's changing the subject... "Yeah it kind of is, that's why I enjoy leaving and coming to school. Means that I can hang out with you and everyone else." I said and look to him. I caught him staring at me but shot away as soon as we locked eyes. "Yugi I need to tel-"

"Oh no I forgot! We were supposed to be on a trip to the champions duelling arena right now. We need to move!" he yelled and grabbed my hand dragging me down the stairs. We met Joey, Seto and Tea down the stairs and Yugi ran to his friends. Seto came to me and knelled down.

"So what did you two talk about? Did you say anything about your feelings?" he asked and I didn't answer. I pushed him to the others and we joined them. The class was split in half, Yugi, Joey and I on one bus and Seto and Tea on the other. 

I forgot I really need to get into duel monsters, it seems great from what I have heard. Apparently Yugi is the best in the school and no one could be on the same step. Well let's see if I can be his equal.

Seems like a bit since I haven't written on this. Petty drama and school is eating away my time so not much free time to write. Christmas break is coming up soon so I have a plan of chill for the first half until Christmas day, then study for prelims.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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