[chapter two]

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I SAW AMANDA CRYING as Camden sang Martina McBride's I'm Gonna Love You Through It and the song was affecting her. I had never seen Amanda break down like this and there had to be a reason as to why she was such a wreck.

When she got up from her seat beside me and ran out of the auditorium, I told Simon to call a break and that I was going to go after Amanda and try to comfort her and find out why she had been crying so hard.

I followed Amanda's light foot steps and turned down the same hallway that she ran down. She was sitting down at the end of the hall with her back against the wall and her knees pulled up to her chest. She didn't look up at me when I sat down beside her and pulled her into a hug, rocking her back and forth, trying to stop her crying.

"Is everything alright, Mandy?" I asked as I stopped rocking her.

Amanda hiccuped and answered, "no," and picked her head up from her knees which the cloth of her dress was now soaked with her tears. Amanda's eyes were already red from the tears that had been streaming down her face and still were.

"What's wrong, 'Manda?" I asked her, still holding my crush in my arms. I didn't picture the first time that I would hold Amanda that she would be bawling her eyes out and I would be trying to comfort her. I had thought that the first time I would hold Amanda in my arms would be on a date or after making love to her after a date.

"I don't want to tell you yet, Alesha," Amanda replied. "You'll be upset if I do."

"I promise that I won't be upset no matter what you tell me, Amanda," I spoke, trying to wipe away Amanda's tears with my finger as they trailed down her cheeks, slowing down somewhat from the speed that they had been coming before.

Amanda took a deep breath and she hiccuped again, trying to stop herself from crying as she spoke, "I may have breast cancer, Alesha."

"Breast cancer?" I asked, trying to hide my shock by I failed. She easily heard it. "How long ago did you find out that you may have breast cancer?"

"Last weekend after we got back from Birmingham auditions. I get the results from the biopsy the doctor took tomorrow," Amanda replied, wiping her tears away and leaning into me.

"Where is it in your breasts?" I asked. I didn't know that Amanda could have breast cancer so I figured out that that had been why she broke down crying with the auditionee's song. The song had been about a woman fighting breast cancer and Amanda could be fighting it.

"My right breast. I noticed it back in December but I haven't had time to go in for a mammogram until last week so if it's cancer, it may have spread since I didn't go to the doctor for a while," Amanda explained as her tears finally stopped.

"Do you want me to be with you when you find out tomorrow?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing with worry.

"I'll call you with the results," Amanda replied as she leaned more into my arms. I welcomed her into them and held her close to my body. I didn't think that Amanda liked girls but she knew that I did.

I had come out to David, Simon, Ant, Dec, Stephen, and Amanda last year as being bisexual and that had prompted David to come out as pansexual himself. It had almost made me laugh that David came out although just about everyone had already figured out that David most likely liked men.

Amanda didn't know that I had a crush on her but I thought that right now it was obvious that I did from the way I was holding her in my arms.

"Have you told Hollie and Lexi yet that you may have breast cancer?" I asked, breaking the silence that we had lapsed into after Amanda had said that she would call me with the results of the biopsy.

"Lexi knew what it was and how serious the situation is but Hollie doesn't get it. She's too young to realize what it means because I could die from it if it's bad," Amanda replied. "I've already told their father."

"What has your ex said about you possibly having breast cancer, Mandy?" I asked in response.

"He told me that if it's cancer, he'll let the girls spend more time with me than with him because I don't know how long I would have to live if the cancer is bad," Amanda told me. "At least he and I are on speaking terms and he's being civil about it."

"Didn't Chris cheat on you and now he's married to the woman he cheated on you with?" I asked, referring to the scandal that Amanda's ex husband created two years ago when she caught him cheating on her and then divorced him because of it.

"Yes. The woman he married is actually very nice and it's clear that they love each other. I think Chris wants to have a child with his wife," Amanda replied, eagerly moving onto the new topic.

"So you have no one to really help you through this now," I said. "Should I be the one to stand by you because I'm your best friend?"

"Yes. I would love that if you did if I do have breast cancer," Amanda replied as she hugged me back. "This is why you're my best friend because of how supportive you are, Alesha. Look at how much you helped my ex and I out when I had just about died after I had Hollie and why you're my wifey."

I have to ask her to be my girlfriend, I thought as I continued to hold Amanda in my arms and she hugged me and then let go.


Hey guys! Finally an update but I have to make the author's note short because I have a load of homework that needs to be done by tomorrow. When do you think Alesha is going to ask Amanda to be her girlfriend, if she can work up the courage?

Thanks for reading this chapter and please comment on it! Bye until the next chapter!

i'm gonna love you through it | alemanda ✔Where stories live. Discover now