[chapter fourteen]

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"DON'T YOU START CRYING on me, Amanda. I'm not going to have any less of a crush on you just because we can't make love. I still have a crush on you because I'm in love with you."

I was in love with Amanda, regardless of how she looked and that just made her burst into tears even more.

I wiped them away with my finger and I started to sing softly, "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey so please don't take my sunshine away."

"Why that song?" Amanda asked me, wiping away her own tears with the back of her hand.

"Because you're my sunshine, Amanda. You make me so happy. I've been singing it after everytime you fall asleep after you've been crying and while I'm holding you while you're sleeping," I answered.

"That's so sweet, baby!" She said. Amanda kissed me more gently than we had been kissing before. "Can we just sleep naked like we are tonight and cuddle?"

"I would love if we could do that," I  replied. Amanda laid down underneath the covers and i got under to hold her, my body pressed up against hers. She turned around and put her head on my chest, a smile already starting to form on her face as the tears stopped. "I love you, Amanda."

"I love you too, Alesha," she said as we cuddled.

We had said the phrase 'I love you' to each other for the first time. I had wanted to tell Amanda that I loved her for a while now but it was never the right time until tonight.

I started to hum another song as Amanda fell asleep and I hummed 'I'm Gonna Love You Through It' by Martina McBride to her. Amanda grinned when she heard the familiar song. We had been listening to it on repeat lately and I had been debating about quoting it to Amanda when I told her I loved her.

The song fit our relationship and what we were going through. I had been beside Amanda's side since the beginning of when we learned it was breast cancer. I was there for her during the double mastectomy when the doctors had to take more than what they planned. I had been there for each crying episode she had since the mastectomy and it broke my heart to see that Amanda wasn't feeling her usual sexy self because she didn't have breasts.

I held Amanda tightly as she fell asleep in my arms and I quickly fell asleep, holding her.


When I woke up the next morning, Amanda and I had switched positions so we were spooning with her back against my breasts. Amanda had had a nightmare during the night so I comforted her when she woke up and we fell back asleep spooning. Amanda turned to face me while she slept and buried her head in between my breasts. I tried not to laugh as we often woke up like this if Amanda turned to face me while she slept.

I pushed Amanda's blonde hair away from her face and I kissed her forehead before I slipped out of bed and into our bathroom. I quickly turned on the shower and stepped in as soon as it was warm.

I could hear movement from the bedroom that we shared and knew Amanda was getting up and she came into the bathroom, entering the shower to join me.

"Morning babe," I said.

"Morning, baby. I loved your singing to me last night. Why don't you do it while I'm awake more often?" She asked me in reply.

"I can do it more if you would like me to," I responded to Amanda's question. I started to hum as I grabbed the body wash and washed myself, giving it to Amanda when I was done.

"Are you humming that song you sang to me last night?" Amanda asked me as she bent over to wash her legs.

"Yes. I've had it in my head ever since Azura was born. It's one of the only things that will calm her down when she's having a meltdown," I replied. "Lexi is the only other person who can calm her down completely."

"I might have to force her to babysit Azura and Hollie then when we go on more dates," Amanda joked. "She is twelve after all."

"That's when I started babysitting," I added in as I started to wash my hair. "But don't we want the house to be empty for when we come back from our dates?"

"Only after I get reconstruction," Amanda replied, "will I want the house to be empty after we come back from dates."

"Does that mean that you think that you'll feel sexy after the reconstruction is done?" I asked Amanda I as I rinsed out my hair while she started to shampoo hers.

"Probably. Do you think I'm sexy now without breasts?" Amanda asked as she rubbed the shampoo into her hair.

I came up to Amanda from behind and hugged her, my hands pulling her to me underneath the warm water coming from the shower.

"I think you're still sexy as hell, babe. Even with the scars. Those make you seem badass now because of what you've gone through," I replied as the shampoo started to run down Amanda's face from her hair. "I haven't stopped loving you since the mastomecty. If anything, seeing you go through that has only made my love for you grow stronger."

"You're too sweet to me sometimes, Alesha," Amanda joked, holding back a laugh as she rinsed her hair of the shampoo.

"I'm serious, Amanda. I love you and that's only grown stronger," I replied to her, nuzzling her neck and placing kisses on her cheek.

"I love you too, Alesha," she replied. "You're the best girlfriend in the world."

"That's stretching it," I joked. "I'm not the best girlfriend in the world but I have to agree that I'm a pretty good girlfriend to you."


Hey guys! Here's a cute, fluffy chapter that shows how much Amanda and Alesha love each other. I seem to be rather good with fluff for these two, don't I? I'm thinking about possibly writing a sequel but I'm just toying with the idea of one. Maybe I'll just write a one shot.

What did you guys think of this chapter? What did you love? Did it make you cry? What do you think is going to happen next? Bye until the next chapter!

i'm gonna love you through it | alemanda ✔Where stories live. Discover now