Your what?!

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Kise POV

During basketball practice, I saw our captain walk out of the gym without a word. But I didn't say anything as I played against Aominecchi.

Our Captain is Akashi Seijuro aka the Emperor of the Generation of Miracles. He made us all go to Rakuzan together. We all met back in Teiko Middle school for basketball.

"Kise-chin is in trouble." I froze at Murasakibaracchi statement.

What did I do?!

"Looks like it." Midorima said as he push his glasses up.

"Kise what did you do?!" I heard Aominecchi yell as he hit my head.

"I did nothing!" I whined but quickly froze in fear when a pair of scissors went past my face.

"Who said you could date my little brother!"

Wait did he just say little brother?

I look over to see Aominecchi crashing the ball in his hands. "Who said you could date my best friend!" He growled.

His best friend?


I jump a step back to see my adorable lover, who had appear in front of me.

"Kurokocchi!" I ran over to hug him with a smiled.

"Hands of him!" Akashicchi said as he pushed me away from my Love.

Wait a minute….

"Kurokocchi is Akashicchi little brother?"

"Yes and my best friend!" Aominecchi growled as he went to hit me but instead he was knock onto the floor.

"Leave Kise-Kun alone or I'll be sad." I look over to see Kurokocchi pouting in such a cute way.

I smiled but I felt two deadly arua near by.

That's the day I relize being with my Love wasn't going be easy.

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