Vanilla Milkshake Always Wins

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Kise POV

I slowing open my eyes to relize that it was morning already. I look over to see Kurokocchi cuddling my side with a smile on his face.

"Stop staring,"

I blinked a few times to noicted that Kurokocchi has been up this whole time.

"I can't stop staring at something so-"

"It's embarrassing…"

I couldn't help but smile to that. "Well let's get up and ready."


"Did you forget that we have a date? I told you I'm goin take you on a date."

"With vanilla milkshakes?"

"Yes with all the vanilla milkshakes that your heart desires."

I look over to see his eyes sparkle. I shouldn't had promise that now I regret making that promise. He'll want more then he should even have.

"Maybe two for today."

"No I want them all."

"No I can't allow you to have more then two."

"You said I could have all of the vanilla milkshakes that my heart desires."

Danm he's right about that! I can't take it back now that he had said it. I'm so going get into me trouble now over this.

"Fine, after all I did promise. Now let's go get ready!"


"Eh? Why not?!"

"I want to sleep more, it's to early."

"No it's not it's only..." I quickly took my phone out of my pocket to check what time it was. I froze at what time it was.

"Time?" Kurokocchi ask as he tilted his head to the side.

"Five in the morning…"

I felt my whole side in pain as I fell right out of bed. "Kurokocchi why?!"

"I'm going back to sleep now. You own me vanilla for life now."

I slowing got up to get back into bed with him. "No that won't happen." I quickly found myself back onto the floor.

"Sleep on the floor then."


"Shut up, I want sleep."

"Fine!" I went back into bed with him which he allow.

You own me vanilla for life now.

Those words kept ringing over and over again in my mind. Does that mean he wants to be together for the rest of our life?

"Rest of our life? Does that mean Kurokocchi want to be with me forever?" I smirked.

"Shut up!"

I held in my laughter as I pull Kurokocchi again my chest. "Let's sleep now." I smiled as I soon fell to sleep.

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