The Emperor And The Boy

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Akashi Flashback Thoughts POV

Mother had cancer around the time she was pregnant with me. After she had me, the cancer had went away. Father was so happy that she wasn't sick anymore and that I was born healthy. Thay was till the Droctor told them that she can't have anymore kids. At first they were sad but they got over it. After all I was there to make them both happy.

That was till mother was starting to get sick again. This time father took her to a family friend hospital. I was left with the nanny. They were told that her cancer had return. That wasn't the only surprise that shock them both.

It was that they're going to be parents again. They weren't showing in excitement like they did with me. They were frightened about the outcome.

Mother was on bed rest right away but had to stay in the hospital. I wasn't allow to visit mother and I didn't get to see father much either. They both miss my first birthday. But I was just a baby who didn't know anything. A month after my first birthday, mother had him.

My little brother Testuya Akashi.

He was born a few months to early and had a weak immune system. He also had a bad heart, which made him stay in the hospital for half a year.

For mother...

She wasn't getting any better but had gotten worst. She was stuck in the hospital till I was five and Testuya was four. Father had to raise us alone while mom was trying to get better.

Mother was getting a little better over the years. We got to visit her when she was well enough to have visitors. When we saw her, she always had the brightest smile that only we got to see.

To bad things didn't get better.

She started to get worst and the visits stop. Soon Mother past away and Father wasn't the same. At her funeral Father told us not to cry or show any weakness. I had no chose but to held in my tears while Testuya had a blank look on his face.

After that day Father abandoned us and put more pessure on me. He made sure I was prefect in anyway. To bad that got to my head and I started to belive my orders are absolute. I started to ignored my brother so that I could focus on other things.

No one had noicted that Testuya was ill, till it was to late.

At the age of eight, I relize that I haven't been spending time with my little brother. So I went to his room to see if he wanted to spend some time together. But once I open his bedroom door. Everything wrong me break into pieces.

My brother was on the floor having trouble breathing. He was quickly rush to the a family friend hospital. The Dr had to hospitalized my little brother. I demand him to tell me what made him do that.

He told me that Testuya heart had slow down for a few seconds. Which cause him to collapsed earlier along with his breathing to stop. I was also inform that he had lost to much weigh. The Dr had the gust to say that it was our fault that my seven year old brother wasn't eating enough. Then again maybe we haven't since brother didn't go to school.

I felt terrible but at the same time piss off. Father wasn't here to handle everything. He left his eight year old alone to take care of his little brother. Hiw dare he?!

I try calling but he didn't answer, not like he had ever answer my calls before. But he really should since Testuya had always been ill and something could had happen to him?!

I kept calling leaving messages after message. A week went by and still no answer! I couldn't belive that my father wasn't answering.

I didn't go back to school, I refuse to leave my brother alone. He didn't say a word to me or ever look at me. I understood very well to why he was acting like this.

I left the room to get something for the both of us to eat. That's when I saw father in the hallways with tears down his face. It was the first time I saw father have tears. He didn't even cry when mother had dead.

I don't know what came over me. I went over and punch him in the face. The next thing I knew was that I was screaming and crying at him. I let out all the emotions that I kept hidden within my heart.

After I had calmed down, I froze to my father words.

"I'm sorry," I was to shock to even look up at him.

After that day Father started to be in our lives more. He would answer his phone right away when we called him. He even became more protected of us but mostly Testuya.

We also agree that Testuya should stay homeschool and that we keep an eye on him more. To make sure he eats and that he's safe. Reason I told father that we should hire a bodyguard. Someone who could make sure nothing happens to him. Plus Testuya start to rebel against the both of us. He would try to sneak out of the house.

We can't have happen since he sometimes randomly blackouts. When he does, we have to check him right away. To make sure he doesn't have to be send to the hospital. The Dr told us that he will blackout randomly, which he's stl trying to find out why. There's no reason behide it yet.

Over time brother made a friend with one of guards son. We have guards place around our house all the time. But one of them brought their son over without telling us. Father end up giving him a raise because of it. His son became good friend with Testuya. He also was there when Testuya fell out of the tree. He was protected of brother, like I was.

He happen to go to the same school as me in middle school. Who could had guess Aomine was one of my closest friend. We didn't act close at school but outside of school we were close.

Aomine always came over so that Testuya wouldn't get lonely. But I knew he had a huge crush on my brother which I was okay with. I was angry at first since I wanted to be the only person that could love Testuya. But I can't love him like that, he's my little brother.

So why not let Aomine have Testuya. He takes care of him and protects him. I accept their relationship if they ever get together. Even father knew his crush on brother. Father was already telling people he has another son. Both of us were convinced that Aomine would date brother not Kise.

Kise...How dare he date my brother behide our backs. To bad I won't will never ever a accept their relationship. I already agree to Aomine was my brother not Kise.

There's no way in hell that I will this relationship continue.

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