The Ace Bestfriend

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Aomine POV

During practice, I played one on one with Kise. We were playing just fine till.

"Kise-chin is in trouble." I blibked at what Murasakibaracchi had stated.

"Looks like it." I heard Midorima say as he push his glasses up.

I look over at the idiot who care upset the redhead. "Kise what did you do?!" I yelled at him then hit his head.

"I did nothing!" Kise whined right when a pair of scissors went past his face.

"Who said you could date my little brother!"

I blinked at what Akashi words. I quickly understood his actions. I didn't noicted that I was crushing the ball in my hands.

"Who said you could date my best friend!" I growled at him as I let the flat ball drop from my hands.

How dare he date Tetsu!


I look over to see Tetsu standing roght in front of Kise. There face is way to close for my liking!

"Kurokocchi!" Kise ran over to try and hug Testu but I knew it won't happen.

"Hands of him!" Akashi said as he pushed Kise away from Testu.

Knew it!

"Kurokocchi is Akashicchi little brother?"

He doesn't know? How stupid is he?! Why is that stupid idiot dating my Tetsu!

"Yes and my best friend!" I rowled out whike walking towords him. I went to aim at his face but found myself on the floor.

I look up to see Tetsu pouting.

"Leave Kise-Kun alone or I'll be sad."

I don't want to leave him alone but I don't want you sad!

Danm you Kise! Wait till I get my hands on you!

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