The Doors

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Kuroko Thoughts POV

Ever since I met Kise-Kun. I been having this strange dream over and over again. The dream has been the same. I would be standing somewhere in the dark alone. Then out of no where they show up...

The two doors

One red with the name Seijūrō on it.

While the other one-

Was blue with the name Daiki on it.

I would always just stand there, just staring at them both. I wonder why I'm just standing here and nothong else. Over time I kept thinking of the dream but told no one of it.

Then one day I remember something from my childhood.

I won't hand my brother to anyone.

One day I'll married Tetsu!

The two doors not only belongs to them but shows their love for me. The doors are telling me to only pick one of them.

But why them and not Kise-Kun?

That kept bothering me over and pver again. I know that I very much love Kise-Kun.

Maybe it's because I'm scare?

Scare of telling him the truth.

The truth about my illness.

The illness that can make him run away.

Run away from me...

No Kise-Kun wouldn't dare even if he did find out about my Illness. He'll still be there for me no matter what. That's why I'll never pick a door.

Because one day I'll be Tetsuya Kise!

Never again Tetsuya Akashi!

Or would I ever be Tetsuya Aomine!

No I'll make my own path!

Once I made up my mind and went to sleep. The same old dream happen but something different happen.

A third door appeared in the middle of the other two doors from before.

And this one was yellow.

The yellow that I love so very much.

I looked right at the yellow door as I walked over towards it. I reach out to touch the doorknob. I slowing turn the knob till the door open.

Standing there with the brightest smiled was no other then Kise-Kun.

I knew from that day that I had picked the right path. Then the next day I no longer had that dream. I started to have other normal dreams fill with Kise-Kun right by my side.

Even though that old dream used to confused me. I'm glad that I had tha dream.

The dream that showed me the right path to my happiness.

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