The Father

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No one POV

"Leave Kise-Kun alone or I'll be sad." Kuroko said with a pout.

"When did you start dating the cry baby?!"


"I agree with Aomine,"

Kuroko POV

Everyone is acting like a child right now.

"Sei, Daiki," I don't like how they're treating my boyfriend right now.

"I said to leave Kise-Kun alone or I'll be sad. But now I'm upset." I gave them both glares. "Now if you excuse me, I would like to leave with my boyfriend." I smiled at Kise-Kun then turn to look at my brother. "I already told father of Kise-Kun. Who wants to meet him. So if you could let Kise-Kun leave early so he could get ready and I can spend time with him. I would be very happy, after all you did call me here. So why not have Kise-Kun meet father tonight, who's coming home tonight." I explained to Sei.

Kise-Kun looks like he's about to freak out.

Daiki looks like he's about to murdered Kise-Kun.

Sei looks pissed off/plotting something dangerous.


I knew Sei would agree.


Oh don't tell me…

"Midorima and Murasakibara will be coming over for dinner. I think father wouldn't mind seeing them. Plus Aomine could come to since father enjoys his company."

Danm you sei…

"Fine," I had to agree which I hated to do.

I look over at Kise-Kun who seem to calm down but seems to be in a very happy mood. He must had wanted to go to both our house. Wait does this mean he wants to see my room?

"Go get change so we can leave. I'll wait outside." I told Kise-Kun who ran into the lockers rooms. "I'll see you four at home." I bow then walked off.

Kaser Akashi POV

I was walking back to my office to see when I can go home and see my boys. I just came back to Tokyo last night but didn't get a chance to see them.

Both of them mean the world to me. Lately I been worry about the youngest one Testuya. He just started school for the first time EVER. I sent him to Seirin middle school knowing a friend of my has a son who goes there. I needed someone to keep an eye on my little boy.

Then again he has his big brother Seijuro to look out for him. Speaking of my oldest one. He had told me that Testuya has been acting strange. That's something I need to look into to.

I stepped into my office then sat at my desk to dail my youngest. I must find out what's happening. Mostly when it comes to him…


"You been acting strange I heard."

"I'm not acting strange father, I'm showing more emotions."

More Emotions?

"Before you ask about them."

Should had known this boy will be so straightforward.

"I have a boyfriend who makes me happy. I been with him for a while. He's the one I was with back then."


"If can have him over tonight for dinner so you could meet him. I'm sure that your back home right father?"


Who said that my little boy could date?!

"I would very much love to meet this boy who makes you show emotions. I'll see you then."

We both hung up the phone. Then I dail my assistant number.

"Yes sir?"

"Cancel all of my meeting for another day. Also have my right hand man handle everything else for the whole week. I'll be going home to check of my kids." I hung up the phone with a smile on my face.

Only a few outside the house know of my two boys. Those who know are very loyal or they'll be punished. Poeple who known of my youngest son care for him as their own. My poor boy who gotten an illness since the day he was born. I already lost my wife, I can't lose my son.

I may had not been there for them both. I was suffering from my wife death. I abandoned them both which I regret the most. I put to much pressure on Seijuro. Making sure he was prefect in anyway which backfire on me.

I didn't even relize Testuya illness was getting worst till he was hospitalized. Seijuro let all his emotions out that day. Ever since then I been in both of thier lives a little more. I keep in touch with them.

I never want to fail them ever again.

But for now I must find out who this boyfriend is. Oh he better not ever hurt my little boy. Us Akashi don't take kindly to outsiders.

Who ever you are, you better watch out.

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