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Kuroko POV

After Kise-Kun fainted I went into the pet store to look around. I wasn't sure what I really wanted but I knew that I had always wanted a pet. I was always told no but this time I'll get what I want!

My eyes soon landed on a small puppy that look a lot like me. I reach over and pick him up from his open cage.

"Nigou?" I ask myself as I tilted my head which the puppy end up doing the same thing.

I quickly went over to adopted him before anyone could stop me.

While I went over to the counter I saw Kise-Kun walk in. I gave him the biggest smiled which made him almost faint again.

He's so adorable even if he is an idiot at times.

"You won't ask for any vanilla milkshakes for a week?"

I nodded my head to him knowing I'll somehow keep my promise to him.

Doesn't mean I can't ask someone else.

Akashi POV

After father sent Daki and I to find Tetsuya. Which wasn't very hard to do. After all I made sure to put a tracker on my little brother. Which he has no idea of.

Even if he finds out I'll just gave him all the milkshake that he'll ever want.

We made our way to the mall as I led the way.

"Looks like the idiot has fainted."

That caught my attention.

I look over to see that bastard on the floor but realize he had fainted right in front of a pet store.

"Looks like little Tetsuya is getting a pet."

"Didn't your father say no to the idea."

"No father was okay with the idea as long as he got a dog. That way if Tetsuya pastes out the dog can inform us about it."

"So why didn't he get a pet?"

I look away from him.

"Really? You talk your father into to agreeing with you?"

"I wanted to make sure he'll get a good dog. But knowing my little brother. There's no way that'll ever happen. He would had picked on for himself."

"Well look what's happening now?!"

"I know, I'll inform father about this. Looks like my little brother once again gets his way. Father can't say no…"

"Because of what happen last night?"

Guilt was the word that fill my mind.

"Let's go back,"


"My father would understand so let's go now!"

I won't let guilt trick me into becoming weak.

I won't allow such a thing.

Kise POV

"So do you think you'll get to keep him?" I couldn't help but ask once everything was sign.

"Father was on my side first about having a pet. Sei wasn't on my side for only one lame reason. But father will allow me to because of what happen last night. Brother feels guilty to but won't act apon it unlike father would. I get father to do what I want just by using guilt against him."

I look over at my lover for the first time in real shock. I couldn't believe this. There's just no way that he could be secretly evil like this. I felt if he could use guilt against someone.

What else could he use against someone?

What else will I find out about him?

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