Getting Ready

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Kaser Akashi POV

I got home before the boys did, I had to let the stuff know tonight we're having guests over. I knew my youngest had told my oldest. Which means Seijuro will bring his loyal friends over. Once I gave the orders, I walked up the stairs. I went to the third floor where my boys room are. I glance down the hall then continue to the fourth floor.

I walked over to my room to get ready. Can't wait to meet the boyfriend.

Kuroko POV

"Go get change so we can leave. I'll wait outside." I told Kise-Kun who ran into the lockers rooms. "I'll see you four at home." I bow to them as I soon just walked off. I stood outside wondering what to do about father and brother. They're to over protected of me and so is Aomine. I can pick my own choice and path to follow.

I'm not that weak…Not anymore…


I look over to see Kise had already change into his school uniform.

"Sorry, I was just thinking. Let's go shopping."

"Why do we need to shop for me?!" He whined which made me smiled a little.

"I want to show of my boyfriend. Is that a bad thing?" I watch him turn red then cling onto me.

"I can't believe I'm going to meet your father."

He looks nervous again.

"Don't be nervous, it's only my dad."

Okay maybe he should be nervous. My dad is in charge of the Akashi company aka the Emperor company. Anyone who knows the name, knows how powerful the Akashi are. That's why no one dares messes with them unless they have some kinda deathwish.

The Akashi's are known to be ruthless and fear by all. But most of all perfect in every way possible.

To bad only a few people can see the kindness hidden deep down within an Akashi just like mother did…

"What do you mean, don't be nervous! If Akashicchi is your brother, then your father is the person in charge of the Akashi Corp!" He whined while hugging my close to his body.

"Yes Kaser Akashi is our father. My real name is Akashi Testuya." I explained to him with a pout.

"Then why is it Kuroko? Not Akashi?"

I turn my body around to have a better look at him.

"Father had it change to mother maiden name. It best of you don't talk about it at all at the house." I told him with a sad look.

"I'm sorry…"

"Lets go now," I pulled away from him to grabbed his hand to lead him to the mall.

It's better to not mention mother around father but mostly in front of brother.

He still blames Father for mothers death and my illness…

I'm sorry Kise…

You can't find out.

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