How We Met

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Kise POV

Yes! Done with my last photoshoot of the day! Being a model is very exhausting…

"Maybe I should take a break." I told myself while going to a park thats near by. Maybe I could thank things over on a little random walk.

"Come back here!"

I froze in my steps when I heard someone yell. I look over to where the voice was. It was a man dress in a black suit with sunglasses on. It look like he was chasing something or someone. I follow where he ran off to.

My eyes widened at the sight of a boy around my age trying to run from the angry man. Next thing I knew I ran towords the man and knocked him down.

Once knock down I noicted he was out cold. Oops…

"T-Thank you…"

I look over in front of me to see the boy. He had light baby blue hair with blue sky eyes. He was shorter then me with pale skin. He was dead drop gorgeous!

"Are you okay?" I got up then went over to see if he's okay.


His voice and face show no emotions. Why is that?!? It makes me want to see them!

"Why was he-"

"I can buy you a milkshake as a thanks for saving me." He gave me a small smile that quickly went away. But that smile was enough to make my heart beat crazy.

"I would love that!"

He grabbed my hand and I just follow him. We soon got to this fast food place. He order two vanilla milkshakes. We went over to a booth.

"Kuroko Testuya,"

"Kise Ryouta,"

I watch as his eyes widened for a second. He must had relize I'm a model or something.

"You're part of the Generation of Miracles. I always wanted to go to Teiko Middle School and join the basketball team."

Now my eye widened.

"Why don't you go then?"

"I'm home schooled and father won't allow me to attend school. Plus my brother had order that I be follow around by my own personal bodyguard. Which who I was trying to get away from."

I couldn't belive it! He has his own bodyguard! This kid must be rich but why?

"Why can't you go to school?"

Kuroko just look out the window sipping on his milkshake.

Okay so he's going to ignored the question. I wonder what's the reason behide it.

"I have to go,"

I look over to see him standing up. I glance out the window seeing a man with bright red hair standing outside a limo. He kinda reminds me of someone.

"Meet me here after you get out of school."

"I'll be here," I couldn't help but smiled at him.

He waved bye to me as I watch him go towords the limo. The man seem concerned as he allow Kuroko in first. I saw him look at me then went inside the limo.

I wonder of that was Kuroko dad? Maybe but how did he found Kuroko?

That was the day I met Kuroko for the very first time. After that day, we met each other every single day. We got to know each other more and more. Soon I relize I had a crush on him. But he beat me to it by asking me out. I couldn't stop crying when he ask me out. I was so happy and still am, knowing he's mine.

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