Time To Plan

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Kise POV

"My room on the second floor with my name on the door."

I look down to see Kurokocchi had calmed down. "Okay," I smiled at him as I soon found my way to his bedroom. I got the door open then shut it behide us. I went over to set Kurokocchi down onto the bed. But only to be dragged down with him.

"I'm sorry…"

"It's not your fault love. You made me so happy when you stood up for the both of us. Most of all you stood up for yourself."


"Yes really, now I don't care what they say. I love you and I won't let anyone else have you."

Mostly Aomine...

"Now I'm going stay over tonight. Then in the morning I'm taking you on a date."

"I love you."

"I love you to!" I couldn't help but couldn't against him. We soon fell asleep together in his bed.

Kaser POV

After dinner I watch Murasakibara and Midorima leave to go home. I look over at Seijuro who seems to be planning something.

"Tell Aomine to spend the night since that ass is most likely staying the night."

"Yes father,"

I watch him leave as I went to take a walk through the gardens. I made my way towords a tree with a stone next to it.

Seuya Akashi/Kuroko lovely wife and mother.

"Oh Seuya, what am I doing wrong?" I questions the stone as I sat in front of it. "Am I being to hard on Testuya?"

I knew I won't get answer but it helps a little to talk to her stone.

Aomine POV

"Father wants you to spend a night."

I look up to Akashi who was smiling.

"He's staying here to?"

"Yes reason father wants you here."


We won't let you win Kise!

(Sorry for it being super short. Next time will be long.)

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