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Kise POV

The next time I woke up was around nine. At least it's not five like earlier. I look over only to realize that Kurokocchi was no where to be found. I started to panic as I quickly got out of bed only to fall flat on my face.

"Kise-Kun mean…"

I look down to see Kurokocchi underneath me. Did he fall out of bed?

"I'm sorry I thought something had happen to you."

"Like what?"

"Well I woke up and you weren't there-"

"I'm fell,"

Well there's my answer!

"Let's get ready for our date."

I look down at him only to see his blue eyes sparkle.

"Vanilla milkshakes?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Sure," I soon got off him as I also helped him up.

"Bathroom is this way."

Kurokocchi took my hand as I follow him into the bathroom. After we both got ready, we left the house.

"We're are we going?"

I froze since I didn't really think it throw.

"I want to go to the mall for our date."

The mall?

"Let's walk there."


"Hold on, we're not walking there. It's far from here! I'm calling a taxi!"

"Fine!" Kurokocchi gave me one of his adorable pouting face.

I took out my phone to call for a Taxi. While I was on the phone, I saw Kurokocchi sitting on the sidewalk. He was still pouting with his arms now cross over his chest. Did he really think that we could walk to the mall? We're down the mountin from Kurokocchi.

I wonder how I end up with such a silly adorable boyfriend ever! I'm really lucky to have him in my life. But I do wonder how he really feels about me.

Kaser Akashi POV


"Sorry sir, but he's not in his room."

"Not even that person?!"

"No sir,"

"Bring the limbo around front."

"Yes, sir!"

"Seijūrō, Daki,"

"Yes father?"


"Take the limbo and find Tetsuya. Then keep an eye on him and that loser."

"Yes father,"

"Got it,"

Not going let this loser win!

Kuroko POV

I grabbed Kise-Kun hand to take him to one of the stores once we got to the mall. I very much wanted something and knew he'll be the one to get me what I want.

After all my father and brother already said no. Doesn't mean that Kise-Kun could say no to.

"Kurokocchi, where are we going?"

"I won't ask for any vanilla milkshakes for a whole week if you get me something I really want."

I gave him eye contract but it look like he was about to faint. Was this to shocking even for him?

"The world is going end!'

No, he's just an idiot.


"What is it that you want?"

I gave him a smile before making us stop right in front of the shop.

"Kurokocchi, I don't think-"


This time he did faint but I just left him there as I walked into the store. After all I will get the one thing I had always wanted as a child and no one will stop me.

Not even Kise-Kun could stop me!

Kise POV

I started to open my eyes as I slowing gotten up from the ground floor. I look at the shop knowing very well that my adorable lover is in that store.

His family going hate me more then they already do!

Well at least I could see him smile and cheer him up. He can get whatever he wants even though I have a feeling tons of people will hate me.

I hope he only gets one pet today…

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