Dinner Time That Makes You Wanna Die

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Everyone was sitting at the dinner table waiting for two more people to show up.

Murasakibara was already eating with a huge smile on his face.

Midorima was eating a little here and there.

While the other three just sat there waiting.

Kuroko POV

I pushed Kise-kun into the dining room first with a little smile. "Hello father,"

"My dear little boy!" I watch as father stood up but I quickly went over to my seat. I refuse his hugs when I saw how much hatred were in his eyes.

"Sit," I told Kise-Kun while I patted the spot next to me.

He's so nervous…

"You know I love you."

I look over at father with a frown.

"Tell me,"

"I'm still against this you dating this boy."

"Please try to understand him before you tell me no."

"What is there to understand?"

"Father I know you want me with Aomine-kun but I'm inlove with Kise-kun."

I look over to see my wonderful boyfriend blushing. To bad my bestfriend is glaring at him. Brother is holding that knife is a very tight grip. Why didn't father take away weapons?

"Testuya-" I held my hand up as I glared at him.

"Let me live my life."

I won't let you tell me what to do anymore. I will live this life how I want to. No more being controlled by anyone!

I went to stand on the table. "I will kill myself right now if you don't allow me to be with Kise-Kun. He may not know of my past or that one thing."

I felt my body shaking. I know one day I'll have to tell him. "But for right now, I just want to be happy."

I felt tears down my face. I didn't even noicted Kise-Kun had pulled me down into his arm. "Please give him a chance father!" I started crying as Kise-Kun carry me away.

Aomine POV

I stare at Tetsu in shock for what he just said. He truly loves Kise to the point my heart is slowing shuttering into pieces. I excuse myself from the room as tears went down my face.

"Danm it!" I slammed my fist against the wall.

"Looks like we have to accept him."

"Not right now, leave me alone."

"No, we need to work this out. Father wants you not him. I want you with my little brother not him. Now we will do as plan. Understood?"


"Now stop crying and go find a maid to tend to your hand."

I heard his footsteps go away as I allow myself to break down.

He's right, I shouldn't be crying at all. We still have the plan. I can still win Testu from the idiot.

After all Testu is my Shadow.

Kise POV

I'm so nervous right that I can throw up and we haven't even eat yet! I didn't pay attention to what's happening around me.


I look over at Kurokocchi who patting a seat for me. I quickly sat next to him blushing. I started to get lost in my thoughts again.

"Father I know you want me with Aomine-kun but I'm inlove with Kise-kun." I got out of my thoughts when I heard that.

I saw him blushing which made me blush more till I felt frightened. I felt Aominecchi glare on me and Akashicchi murderous arua towords me.

Is that a knife in Akashicchi hand?!

I look over to see Kurokocchi standing on the table. What just happen?!

"I will kill myself right now if you don't allow me to be with Kise-Kun. He may not know of my past or that one thing."

I saw his body was shaking. That's when I stood up and pull him towords my body.

"But for right now, I just want to be happy."

I want you happy to.

"Please give him a chance father!"

Now he's crying, nope not letting this happen. I quickly carry him off to who knows where. This is my first time at his house.

Now how am I going cheer him up? I rather see him smiling not crying. I wish things turn out better.

At least I know Aominecchi will be after my lover. I always felt if Aominecchi was inlove with someone but I never found out who.

Now I know who…

Sorry Aomine but you can't have him!

(Happy Thanksgiving everyome! :) Even if it's 3am right for me. XD)

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