If I

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Kuroko Pov/Thought POV

I open my eyes only to find myself in a Hospital room. The same hospital room that I'm always in. Ever since I was little this had always been my room. My father made it so it was only my room.

Father said it's best to be here then at home.

Father could afford to have then at home but he felt better if I'm here. It always made me wonder if father rather have me die here then at home.

Would father hate being at home? If I had died there.

Would he end up losing his mind? If I died there.

Would he be piss at brother? If I died there.

I look over at the window seeing my favorite stuff bear against the window. I noicted the red ribbon tied around the neck.


Would he be able to handle me death? If I'm dead.

Would he end his life? If I'm dead.

Would he ever live a normal life? If I'm dead.

I realize there's a card next to the bear. I couldn't help but laugh a little but I end up coughing. I wonder if I should call for a nurse for water.

I shrugged it off to stare at the card. It had brought colors all over it the there was a picture of a Tiger.

Would he lose his temper even more? When I'm gone.

Would he ever get close to anyone again? When I'm gone.

Would he still play basketball? When I'm gone.

I look away from, only to find the other side of the rooms fill with gifts. I noicted each item had a color of yellow and blue on them.


I felt tears gather in my eyes.



Not him…

He doesn't

He doesn't know…

What if he finds out?

What if he leaves me?

What if he stops loving me?

Would he move on with his life? Once I'm gone.

Would he be broken? Once I'm gone.

Would he ever forgive me? Once I'm gone.

Maybe it's best for him not to know.

Maybe it's best if he leaves while he can.

Before I die on him…

I rather not leave him behind….

I wanted to spend every moment with him…

To live with him forever

But sadly I'll never get that wish…

Please don't forget about me…

I didn't realize I was crying till my shirt felt soak. I look down to see my hands shaking. I let out a laugh to cough again. But I didn't care, I just wanted this all to end. Soon enough I got my wish.

My vision went black but the last sound I heard was a loud beeping sound.

Not the sound of Kise rushing into the room screaming.

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