The day I met my Shadow

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I'm an only child with a mother and father. My mother Aomine Mai was a cop who wasn't home much. She quit her job when I was around the age of ten so she could watch me grow up. My father Aomine Blizzard who is Akashi Kazer personal guard. He wasn't around much at home but I get to see him when I started going over to the Alashi house.

I only knew so little of the Akashi. But knew very well that they basically rule over Japan. Their company is call Akashi corps but everyone calls it the Emperor corp. Anyone who knew the name, knows how powerful they are. You got to be stupid if you dare mess with them. Their known to be ruthless and fear by all. But most of all perfect in every way possible.

To bad no one truly knew what happens within the household of the Akashi.

Kazer is in charge of the corp till his oldest son Seijuro takes over. Only a few knew that Kazer and Seuya had two kids. I over heard my father once talk about them. Father said both of them cared for their kids. Things in the house was living.

But then Seuya died so did Kazer heart.

He abandoned both of his children but made sure Seijuro was prefect in every way. He put the most pressure on the kid. While he didn't even relize that the younger one Testuya illness was getting worst.

I heard the younger one was sent to the hospital where he end up being hospitalized. After that day happen they all became close again. Kazer did become more protected of the two but mostly towords Testuya.

Which made the kid more rebel.

My father thought it'll be a good idea if I came to work with him to meet the kid. I did want to meet him and Seijuro. So father took me with him one day without telling anyone. I thought my father was going lose his job not get a Danm raise.

I guess it's because I became good friends with Testuya who I now call Tetsu. I came over everyday to visit him the most. He would tell me everything that's on his mind. At first he was shy when we met. Now he was an open book who smile shines brighter then the sun itself.

Soon I found out that Seijuro and I went to the same middle school. We became close friends outside of school. We thought it'll be better if no one knew we were friends.

The closet I got to the family the closet I got to Testu. I end up having a huge crush on him which Seijuro and Kazer knew about. They both agree that I would end up with Tetsu.

But I knew Seijuro was also inlove with Tetsu but could never have him. That's why I was allow to have him. That was until that stupid copy cat came into the picture.

No matter what I won't give up till he's fully mine. After all the copy cat will have no one on his side to help him. Everyone wants Tetsu with me not him.

Tetsu will never be fully his.

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