Truth/Wanting to Fix

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Kaser Thought POV

A month had went by as I started to act if I like Kise. But after getting to know the boy more and more. I'm starting to change my mind about him. After all he's been taking good care of my little boy.

But he doesn't know the truth…

My little Tetsuya doesn't want him to know the truth. Which as a father, I have to respect for now at least. If anything happen and Kise is there. Then l have no choice but to tell him.

I have to protect my youngest. No matter what, even if his boyfriend needs to know the truth.

As times go by, I'm starting to feel guilty. I'm getting Aomine hopes up knowing I'm starting to want Kise to be my future son in law.

It looks like my oldest son knows how I'm feeling. He doesn't seem happy about it. But deep down I hope that he'll accept it.

All I have to do is tell Aomine how I feel about who i want my son to be with.

This isn't going be easy to do…

Kuroko POV

"I left number two at my coach place for tonight."


I had just came home when I knew father was home. I had went into to his office to tell him. What I have plan.

"I want to go to Sei-Kun game."





Father out down his files to stare at me.


"You gave him the nickname Tiger? Why?"

"He reminds me of a Tiger."

I watch as my father stood up to leave the room.

"Very well, you two may go." He left the room but in the hallway, I heard laughter.

I went to leave father office as I took out my phone.

To Tiger: Father said it's okay.

From Tiger: Really?

To: Tiger: I'll meet you at the game.

From Tiger: No! I'm coming over! If we meet at the game. I won't be able to find you!

I let out a little laugh from reading his message.

To Tiger: Come over now then so we could be on time.

From Tiger: Be there in 30!

I didn't reply as I just pocket my phone. I may my way to my room to get ready. I already knew that brother was gone.

Over ten minutes later-

I sat down on my bed after getting ready. I took my phone back out.

To Panther: I forgive you and I want us to be friends again. Come over tomorrow so we could talk.

I sent the message then toss my phone onto my dresser.

I want two have two best friends not just one. I don't mind Kagami but Aomine was my first only best friend. There's no way that I want us to end like that.

No, I'll find a way to fix this all up.

I lay down on my bed to stare up at the ceiling with a smile on my face.

I'm going to fix everything and make them right. I won't give up no matter what happens.

I noicted my vision start to get blurry. I went to sit up but fell back onto my back.

"No...not now!" I yell.

I felt my breathing start to slow down.

"Dad!" I screamed as I felt my ear start to ring. Slowing my vision went out as I end up falling onto the ground without knowing.

It's getting worst…

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