A Heart Full Of Love

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Author: This chapter will not be another song chapter, nor will there ever be another one.


I wake up screaming, yes, the nightmares are still occurring. I don't have my Sawyer to hold me, so I freak out. I scream until my throat is sore, I cry until my eyes hurt. I run out of energy and collapse on the bed. It hurts, but I guess I just have to get used to it. My phone rings, it's Stacy.

"Hello?" Ow, my throat still hurts.

"Joey, my plane has just landed. Can you meet me at the airport?"

"Sure, my hotel isn't that far away."

I meet Stacy at the airport and she hugs me a little too tight. We walk back to my suite and sit down.

"What happened with Sawyer?" She starts.

"Well, we got in a car cr-"

"I know, he said about the car crash and the whole PTSD stuff."

"Okay, well at the car crash I told Sawyer that I loved him and then I passed out. When I woke up at the hospital a nurse asked me of I was Joseph Graceffa, I said yes, then she brought Sawyer in and he said he loved me too. We started dating, I think, but I was ruining his life so I left him with the hope that he will have a normal life again."

"Joey, Sawyer is a mess without you."

"How do I know you're just saying that so I will go back?"

"Fine, then I I'll show you."

She takes out her phone and shows me and photo of a man with a sickly pale skin, stuck up hair, messy stubble, horrible bags under his eyes, in a bed surrounded by wrappers and tubs. It takes me a few seconds to realise that its Sawyer.

"Oh my God." I did this to him, I thought things would be better for him.

This was all a waste. A stupid idea. I tried to do things right, but everything went wrong. I've also hurt Sawyer and I need to make it up to him ... and I know just what to do.

Sawyer's POV

Tyler has been taking quite good care of me. He is getting me to drink soup and eat proper food. He managed to get me out of bed and do some exercise. Although he is constantly trying to get me to go outside. All of this and still don't feel any better, my emotions are still a mess, my longing for Joey is just going up everyday and I just want to curl up in ball and die every minute.

Tyler walks into my room, reading his phone. "Okay, we need to clean you up."

"Tyler, I told yo-"

He cuts me off. "It's not that, this is different. I'm taking you out to a surprise."

"I'm not in the mood." I'm really not, I've been thinking about Joey on the streets of some random city he doesn't know. Hungry. Cold. Alone.

"Come on, it will make you feel better. I promise."

"You don't know that."

"Trust me, it will make you feel a whole lot better."

"When are you doing to stop trying to get me out, this is like the third time today."

"This is different. Look, I will stop trying to get you to go outside if you go for 5 minutes - minimum."

5 minutes wasn't exactly going to kill me and I really need to fun night out. Sure. Why not? It's not like Joey's going to be back anytime soon. Okay, I defiantly need a distraction.

"Okay, fine, But don't expect anymore then 5 minutes."

"Actually, I do expect more then 5 minutes." He winks and walks downstairs. Why is it he always seems to know something no one else does? Maybe it's a sign to say I will have some fun at this 'surprise'.

I take a quick nap, shower, shave, style my hair and change into a nice pair of black trousers, a white shirt and a black tie. I look nothing like the person I was a few hours ago, but I still feel the same. Before I get into the car, Tyler puts a blindfold on me and we get into the car, eventually. The car journey wasn't that long, either the LA night traffic wasn't that bad or it was just very close by. I just kept asking Tyler questions about where we were going.

The car stops and Tyler helps me out. "Don't take off the blindfold until I tell you to."

"Why can't I take off? I mean, we are here, right?"

"We are here, but I need to grab something out of the car. One sec."

I hear the car door open and slam shut. But then something weird happens. The car drives off.

"Tyler? Tyler?!"

What the hell? Why would he leave me here? I take off the blindfold and am hit by a huge blurry light. As my eyes adjust I see a figure in the middle of the light. He looks like a heavenly angel, radiating light and beauty. I hear waves crashing and I stand in awe of the picturesque scene. I feel cool wind on my arms and feel as if I were on a cloud, with my beautiful angel. The light starts to constrict into multiple tiny lights, as they are actually candles and I start to make out details of the figure I see standing in front of me. It's is now I find him to be more heavenly and beautiful then any angel. More then anything I could have ever want or need. He is a miracle, my miracle. It's my love, my only.

My Joey.

And I feel, beating inside me, a heart full of love.


I'm actually kind of proud of that last part! :) THAAAAAANK YOOOOOU for reading!! Like if you liked it and comment if you want to comment!! Kind of struggling to write these, so sorry if they come out a bit spaced apart!!! Just wait to find out what happens now they are about to see each other again!!!! ;)

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