This Is The Perfect Life

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I wake up with a quietly snoring Joey on my chest with his arms wrapped around me. I lay my head back, smiling. I look back at him, he looks so cute - so peaceful. I begin to stroke his hair, his perfect hair. It feels so right being with Joey. I think about our future: marrage, kids, retirement. It all seems like a peaceful bliss with Joey next to me. I think more about proposing, putting all the details together in my mind. Soon, I think, soon.

My thoughts are sidetracked by the sight of sparkling emeralds emerging from slumber. Joey smiles up at me, who is smiling at him.

"Good morning, babe" He says whilst leaning up to give a morning kiss.

"Mmm, it is now."

Joey softly laughs and re-snuggles up to me.

"How about we go on a date today." I suggest.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" Joey asks.

"Well, I think we should have a fun date for a change ... Let's go bowling!"

"Sure! I love going bowling!"

"Let's do it!" We get up and as we are getting dressed, I turn to Joey and say "Oh, by the way - I'm going to crush you at bowling."

"Bring it on." We stare at each other for a few seconds until Joey says "P.S. I love you!" And puts on a goofy grin.

We both laugh.

"I love you too." And I pull him into a kiss, my hands exploring his naked back as his find their way to my butt.

"A quickie?" He asks.

"We haven't even gone out!" I exclaim "But defiantly later." I wink at him and he blushes.

"Fine." He says, impersonating a grumpy teenager.

We finish getting ready and arrive at the bowling alley. We rent a lane, shoes and order some chips. Then we go to our lane.

"What do you want as your name, baby?" I ask Joey.

"I don't know, you choose."

I type in 'Mr Perfect'. Joey looks up and laughs.

"Okay, now let me put your name in."

"Fine by me." I get off the seat and Joey sits down. He types in 'Mr Big Dick' and I burst out laughing. He stands up with a smug look on his face.

"Okay, now sort out your balls."

"What?! Why?!" He looks down at his crotch and looks up with a face of annoying realisation. I laugh so hard there's tears coming out of my eyes. "It's not that funny!" He exclaims.

"Yes ... it ... is." I manage to say.

When I calm down we choose what balls we are going to use. I turn around to look see Joey's.

"Nice looking balls you got there." I tell him.

"Thanks, but look at yours - you have ginormous balls."

"I know. Now are we going to bowl or what?"

Joey bowls first and gets a spare.

"Beat that." He says as he walks back to me.

I go up and bowl a strike.

"Just did." I say as I walk back.

The whole game was a big, funny competition. Once, when Joey was going to bowl, I snuck up behind him, scared him and he dropped the ball so it rolled into the gutter. Although when I went to bowl after, Joey slapped my butt and I did the same thing. We finished the game and went to see the results.

Mr Perfect - 107

Mr Big Dick - 110

I won!

"Grrr, congratulations." Joey grumbled and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"I win because I have you." I say, wrapping an arm around him - putting my hand on his waist.

"Win what?"


"Wow, that's a big thing to win, but I won ... better then you?"

I laughed "Sure you did." And I kissed him again.

Our chips arrived, I sat down and Joey sat on my lap, and we shared the chips. Occasionally each of us feeding a chip to the other one. After we finished the chips, we intertwined hands and walked back to the car. As soon as we get in Joey drags me, by the hand, up the stairs and into our room. I know what he's after and just as we get in our room he pushes me against the wall and passionately kisses me. I'm a bit tired and he clearly wants it, so I'll let him have the dominance - tonight. His tongue askes for entrance and I accept. It feels weird, but quite nice.

The sex last night was amazing, however it was my first time ever bottoming, so that was new and kind of painful in the beginning. But he knew, so he went more gentle. After, we took a shower and the sex made me feel alive, so we had sex again but I was on top.

I wake up to perfect Joey, again snuggled up to me, and I play with his hair.

This is the perfect life.


What do you guys want? Longer chapters? More cute dates? More drama? Let me know in comments!


Oh my goodness gracianyas, 1K reads!!! 😄😮😵😊 Thank you everyone reading this story!!!


Danke für das Lesen!

German, I hope.


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Love you all boys and girls! ❤️

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