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There's a trick to making a tough decision, leave it to Fate. No one knows if Fate is real or not, but Fate is what is going to happen, so you leave the choice to what is going to happen. Fate.

I'm driving aimlessly around LA, trying to find a peaceful place to think. Think about what? Maybe not to think, but to choose. There's one place that I want to go - the cliff where Joey and I had our first date - but I don't know how to get there.

My thoughts are interrupted by a terrible song screeching out of the radio. God, I hate this song. I fiddle with the radio whilst trying to keep a majority of my focus on the road. I'm not getting into another car crash. None of the radio stations I like are playing any good songs, so I randomly select one. One comes on, but it's an 80s music station. A song starts playing:

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.

The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yeah.

They're swept away and nothing is what it seems,

the feeling of belonging to your dreams.

Listen to your heart when he's calling for you.

Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do.

I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,

but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.

I feel a tear rolling down my face and turn off the radio. I rub the side of my face with my sleeve. As I do I see that I'm coming up to a spilt in the road, left or right. I get an idea. I park the car and get out a coin. Heads - left. Tails - right. The coin flings into the air and reflects a bright shine. It lands on my hand. Heads. I turn left.

Only a minute driving and I see the beach. The cliff. I park my car where Joey parked his last time, not that far away from the cliff. As I get out I take a look at the cliff I find that someone is sitting on the edge.


I understand now.

I walk up and stand behind him.

"Hey Joey."

He raises his head, he recognises my voice. He turns his head and his watery, red eyes look up at me. Those green eyes I have missed for too long, drowned in the red of my anger. He stands up and our faces are so close to each other's.

"I am so s - " He begins.

I cut him off with a kiss. An amazing kiss.

"You don't need to say it." I say.

"But - "

"No, you were right, I was just being jealous." I cut him off again.

"No, you were right, I shouldn't have done it."

I chuckle. "How about we stop trying to prove the other one was right and go have some make up sex." I grin.

"That sounds ... right." We both laugh.

We walk back to my car and I pause, realising something.

"Joey, where's your car?"

"Oh, I walked."

"You walked?"

"Yeah, I know exactly where it is. The question is how did you get here, Tyler blindfolded you."

I smile.



I'm sorry if you didn't understand the previous chapter, I'm trying to be one of those thought provoking authors, but that's not working out. All the weird words were to show how the narration of the character changes with the given situation and they're emotions, I've kind of been doing it through out the book, but it hasn't really stood out before. Sorry!


Merci pour la lecture!

French, obviously.


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