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I run up to him and we share a very passionate kiss. A kiss to say 'I've missed you'. I had began to believe that this day would never come, but it has and it is amazing. I pull away, keeping my hands on his head.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too. Always have, always will. That's why I left."

"But Joey, don't you see, I need you just as much as you need me."

He starts to tear up.



And with that we kiss again. After a bit, Joey pulls away and sits down on a blanket I didn't even see.

"I though we could have a picnic."

"I'd love to." I smile at him.

I sit down next to Joey. I hadn't realised that he was wearing dark skinny jeans and a white shirt with a black bow tie. He takes two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne out of the large basket next to him, and fills both glasses, then hands one to me. We toast 'to us' and drink.

"Mmm, this tastes amazing!"

"Only the best for you, babe." He smiles.

"Wow, you really went all out."

After we ate we snuggle up on the blanket. We are up on a cliff edge, very high above the beach. The view up here is stunning. The sparkling ocean, swaying in and out. The glib, full moon sitting high in the sky. The beautiful starts, like eyes of those above looking over us. The candles, giving us a romantic glow. This is perfect. But why?

"I don't understand." I brake the snuggle and turn to face him. He then sits on my lap, his legs out either side of me.


"All of this, don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, but I just don't get why you are doing all this, I mean I know we haven't seen each other in ages - or what feels like ages. But it seems to be more then that."

"Well, my plan failed and I hurt in the process. It killed me inside to know what I did to you, so I had to make it up to you."

I didn't know how bad he felt about all of this. I forgive him and I lean into a kiss. I feel fireworks, just like in the hospital when I kissed him for the first time. Maybe it's because we are getting a new start or it could just be that he is just that great. As we are kissing, I hear a loud 'bang' and look to the sky above the ocean. Red sparks are falling to the ground. Then a green light flies upwards and explodes. Then a blue, then an orange, then a purple. Fireworks. We go back to snuggling and watch the rest of the show. I sit in awe of the magnificent sight.

Later Joey and I are kissing again. I lick his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He concedes and I take the dominance. I begin to feel lustful, my longing for Joey has turned into a different kind. I know he feels the same way, as he is trying to get his hands up my shirt.

"Could we do it here?" I ask.

"I have protection in the basket." He winks.

"Well, okay then."

We stand up. Joey takes my tie off and unbuttons my shirt, I do the same to him - still making out. His hands explore my back, as mine move down to his cute, round butt. We both strip off our trousers. Joey sits back down and I crouch on the opposite side of the blanket. I crawl to Joey and we continue to make out. Joey slowly falls until he is lying down, with me on top of him. I guess we know our positions. We continue to make out a little bit long in our underwear, until I kiss down Joey's body. When I reach his crotch, I slowly pull off his underwear and I take mine off as well.

*insert sex here*

We both fall onto the blanket, out of breath. That was amazing. It was so much better then I have ever had, although I have never been with a guy before. We lie there for a bit, not taking. It's not awkward, but peaceful. I begin to feel quite tired, so I start to get dressed. Joey sits up, yawning.

"I'm tired." He said.

"Same, how about we pack up and go to bed?"

"Sounds like a plan."

He got dressed as I began to pack up stuff into the basket. Joey's car isn't that far away, so we pack up pretty quickly. There's almost no traffic going home as well. Finally. A day where everything has gone right. When we get home, I just throw the basket and blanket on the couch. We go up to my room and almost pass out as soon as we lie down. Today was perfect.

In the morning I discover that Joey didn't have a nightmare that night.

Life was perfect.


Sorry if it's a bit crap. I wrote it and somehow it deleted, then I got mad and had to rewrite it - which I wasn't too pleased about having to do. But it's better then nothing! Sorry about the sex part as well, I just have no idea how to write it... :/ Thaaaaaaaaanks for reading!!!! Vote, comment and all that jazz! :D

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