(2) Chapter Three ; Hall of Agony .

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Zayn Malik ; 

The humming of silence slowly started to get to me. My body just felt so lifeless, all the way down to my finger tips.


  Wait a minute. 


My eyes sprung open looking at the dark sky that consumed everything in sight. The last thing I could remember was being frozen. Was this hell? My feelings slowly started to come back to me. My head was throbbing, almost as if someone were taking a hammer to it. My stomach twisted right inside of me, making me nauseous. If there was anything in my stomach, I undoubtedly would've puked it up by now.


  Where the fuck am I? 


There was no television, no sprinklers, no ice. I held my head in my hands only to feel the cold wet of the thawed frost through my hair. My clothes were all wet. The heat started to leave my body when I felt the haunting chill coming back to me.

This room was different. My vision was groggy, making me far sighted. All I could make out was broken glass and a metal frame.


   "Huh?" I rubbed my eyes.


There were two other bodies lying only a few inches from mine. I whipped the hairs out of my face leaning in to get a better look at them. Something about the blonde in ones hair rang a bell.


   "What the-?" my eyes grew. Half of his face looked burnt. "What the fuck happened to you-"


I turned his face, and my heart just fell right down to the floor. I lost my breath for a moment forgetting to breathe.


  "N-NIall??" I started to panic hoping my eyes were just bad. "No... NO! Niall please, wh-what happened to you?? C'mon mate you gotta get up, you gotta get up!"


I shook him letting the tears fall down my face. I gently touched the burn marks on his cheek, disgusted at the shape he was in. How could this happen? I looked over at the other body whipping the tears out of my eyes. Again my heart felt like it were going to freeze.


  "L-Lou??" I started to bawl even harder.


What is going on? He had blood stained into his skin, dripping from holes that were carved into his chest.


   "NOOOO!!!" I cried into Lou's chest, pounding on the floor with a closed fist. I refused to believe that either of them were dead. "No... Y-you're going to be okay... You have to be! You're going to be okay...."



Harry Styles ; 

   "Li, come on!" I winced, watching him slowly tread towards the darkness mercilessly. "We don't even know what's down there-"

 "So what??" he shrugged, stopping to turn towards me. "Are we supposed to just sit there and do nothing? We will die here, and no one will care if we don't keep moving."

   "And what about the others??"


He hung his head almost as if he were hoping I wouldn't ask that. Since when did he become so selfish? 

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