Chapter 6

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I hovered in his room for a moment longer, admiring the view and trying to prepare myself for an evening in this magnificent suite, with Tom... alone. 

The thought of him kissing me was too terrifying to contemplate so I quickly went to the bathroom and dabbed some cold water on my skin trying to keep myself calm and steady. I could start smelling something cooking in the kitchen and my stomach growled. 

"Scarlett?" He called as I turned around the wrong corner. I turned and quickly felt my cheeks redden when I sat across from him at the island. He had an amused look on his face when I finally managed to look at him. 

"That smells amazing." 

"Ehehe, my mother taught me how to make it, but it doesn't taste nearly as good as the Alfredo I had when I was in Spain. I was there for a bit when I was still a student, with one of our theater shows, we toured the whole world. It was incredible. I'd love to take you there someday." he said bluntly, but then reacting with a quick. "If you'd like." I smile and he turns nervously to the one cupboards. "Wine?"

"Yes please?"

"What would you like?"

"What you're having." he nods and pours us some expensive sauvignon blanc. He hands me the glass as the ice clinks against the glass. "Thanks." I look at his forehead and notice the perspiration. I'm not sure if it is the heat radiating from the stove or if he shares my nervousness. "Tom? How about some music?" he smiles at me reassuringly. 

"Will you manage?" 

"Uh-huh!" I hear him chuckle to himself. At first the stereo had the upper hand, but I finally figured it out and put some classic oldies on. He must like it, because it was at the top of the pile. "This okay?" when I turn he is dancing towards me, mouthing the words. Looking adorable with the white apron still on. I giggle as he holds his hand out to me. I take it and before I can blink I'm wrapped in his arms and he is spinning me, before dipping me and pulling me back up so that I laugh loudly and close my eyes as he softly sings along to the tune. We dance across the room and finally when we are in the kitchen the song has changed and it is "Cry to me" The Dirty Dancing version starts humming in the background. He dips me and when he pulls me closer our eyes meet. His breath is on my skin and his eyes are so unwavering in their gaze that I feel the gravity beneath my legs weaken. We start swaying as our eyes search the other's for answers. 

We're barely moving when the song is coming to an end and in one slow and tentative movement he lifts me up and puts me on the island's counter. 

I feel something inside me stir as she begins to straddle me, her blonde hair tousled wildly and her wild large eyes looking up at me searchingly.  She has this unnerving ability to completely unmask me. When you play characters for a living you begin to wear them as a mask over your own face, but with her... I couldn't hide my true feelings even if I wanted to. 

She begins to trace the tips of her fingers from my neck up into my hair in slow circular movements, like she's playing some piano that isn't there. 

He bites his lip as he watches me. His hands don't move from my waist and for a few seconds we sit there, frozen, alive but barely breathing. I move my legs so he is able to move closer to me, and like a magnet he moves his torso closer against me. And when his eyes become soft and his face moves closer to mine, I feel my heart beating as fast as a hummingbird's wings. He looks at my lips and then his eyes lock on mine. His breath bounces off of my lips, the heat radiating from his body tingles every premise of my skin. He licks his lower lip, our faces are inches apart...

"Ha-chew !" I sneeze into his shoulder. Our laughs reverberate against each other as we both start laughing hysterically. "I'm so sorry," I finally manage, unable to remove my hands for my eyes. He takes my hands and remove them from my face, his endearing face makes my embarrassment subside. 

"Don't worry about it, don't apologize. Do you feel feverish?" he takes the back of his hand against my forehead and looks at me disapprovingly. "You are definitely feverish." he says sternly, like he is scolding me. "Why didn't you say anything, come here." Before I can protest he scoops me into his arms off of the counter and carries me to his bedroom.

"Tom. I can walk! Really. I'm fine." I sneeze again. "This is ridiculous." He places me on the left side, kneeling as he removes my white sneakers. I start giggling.

"And the other one?" I put my other foot on his knee. 

"In the end, you will always kneel." I say playfully and he starts laughing, when his eyes meet mine his face is friendly but his gaze is seductive and I feel my cheeks flush even brighter. I can't believe you just said that. What has come over you? You must be sick. 

"I'll be right back." I rest my head against his cushions, smelling him and closing my eyes as I do. 

I almost kissed Tom, we almost kissed... and what did I do? SNEEZE! I wish I could sink into these white sheets, never to return again. And now I'm sick, perfect. 

When he returns our plates are on a platter. He hands me my plate and puts a glass of water on the bed-stand on my side with some aspirin and vitamins. 

"Thank you Tom, but this really isn't necessary." he looks at me firmly. 

"Drink those." he kicks his shoes off and looks at me from across the bed, he must feel my eyes studying his muscular but still slim back. "This is my fault, you must've caught it when you were wet from the cappuccino I spilled on you and then you walking in the cold whilst you were soaked." 

"I wasn't soaked. And this isn't your fault!" he sighs. 

"Scarlett, eat your food. Here is the remote," he hands it to me after pushing a button that made a screen emerge from the ceiling in front of us. "Decide on anything. I'll be right back. I hope the food tastes okay, and I'm sorry about your cold love," he walks over to my side. "But, I'll take excellent care of you." he kisses my forehead. "I'll just be a sec." he heads to the bathroom. When the water starts falling from the shower, I still haven't taken a bite or managed to move.

He called me love... I know it is silly, but I can't help but smile like an idiot. Note to self: get sick more often. 

I scroll through a few options, but then I decide to test him. Anything ey? How about some Disney movies? I laugh as I decide on The Lion King, one of my childhood favorites. I quickly drink the pills and take a bite of the pasta. Hmm... it really tastes amazing. I can taste the sauvignon blanc in the sauce, wow... so he cooks too. What can't he do? A bit annoyed at his perfection, I puff the pillow behind me and prop it neatly behind my neck as I start to munch. 

When he emerges from the bathroom with the towel around his waste, his body soaking wet, he smiles boyishly at me and heads to the closet. "Forgot my clothes." 

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