Chapter 26

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I was on my way to meet Tom at our favourite little café in Rome. It was on a rooftop overlooking the whole of Rome. It had a view of a green hillside and Tom and I would always sit there and drink wine until the sun went down and we could admire the stars. We had a week left in Rome before he had to go to L.A. to shoot the next Avengers. I had started working for an art gallery that his mother had introduced me to, luckily for us both - they allowed me to travel a lot, so we wouldn't be away from each other too long. It had rained a little this afternoon and I was relieved that it has stopped since I had forgotten an umbrella. 

I took the lift and walked through the inside of the café, noticing that there was no one here. I turned a corner onto the terrace and there he was - a picturesque view. Dressed in a white button shirt, navy trousers, and dark brown leather shoes to match his belt. Gosh, he looked like he had strolled right off of the cover of GQ. I wonder if I will ever get used to his beauty - I doubt it. He must have booked the entire place for us. 

He turns his head in my direction and when his eyes meet mine his face shifts from brooding to a gorgeously silly grin. He stands to meet my embrace, pulling my chair out for me. 

"Hello darling, you look beautiful," he kisses my cheek as I take my seat. He was sipping on Earl Grey tea. "I took the liberty of ordering us a bottle of champagne."

"Why? Where are all the people? What are we celebrating?" he licks his lower lip, looking up naughtily - oh dear, what now?

"Life, love, us." I roll my eyes, unable to hide my smile.

"You're such a romantic. It really is one of your most adorable qualities." he shrugs as the waiter arrives and pours our glasses. "But isn't this a bit much?" I look around at the empty tables and chairs, and he gives me his world famous - "Ehehehehe," 

"To us." he holds his glass and I reach out as the glasses clink. 

"To us - sante!" He laughs as we both take a sip. 

"So, how was your day?  I missed you." 

"I had a pretty exciting day. I went to all the galleries I could find, I got lost in this one painting." I brush my hair out of my face as I try to remember its details. 

"You will have to show it to me. I've wanted to buy some artwork for a while now. Would you mind being my art connoisseur?" I look up at him excitedly.

"I would love that, but, are you serious? Would you really buy it? You haven't even seen it? What if you hate it?" he laughs as he takes my hand from across the table. 

"I have faith in you." he winks.

 We were both done eating when Tom pours us both our second glasses of champagne. Tom holds them out and lifts his glass in the air, about to make a toast, I giggle as he tries to be serious. I take my glass from him, he stands up and looks me in the eyes, his eyes dripping with coral blue today.

"My darling Scarlett, to begin with, I never hoped, aspired, dreamed that one could find everything one wanted in one single person, I was not such an idiot as to believe this was possible - yet in you, I found everything I want. You are beautiful, giving, gentle, idiotically and deliciously feminine, sexy, wonderfully intelligent and wonderfully silly as well. I want nothing else in this life than to be with you, to watch, your beautiful voice, your beauty. " I feel the tears run down my cheeks as he continues. "To explore your magnificent mind, to explore your wonderful body." his voice deepens and I know that this is a moment I will never forget. "Not too put too fine a point on it, I consider I'm the only man outside of mythology to have found the crock of gold at the rainbow's end." 

Tom gets down on his one knee, taking a little black velvet box from inside his pocket and holding it in front of me. "Scarlett, I love you, with a depth and passion that I've felt for no one else in this life and I want to spend the rest of my life to help you, protect you and serve you. To show you things and share things with you. I would want nothing more than to be your husband and you my wife," He opens the box and an oval diamond covered in a frame of clusters on a white gold ring is unveiled and I cover my face, his eyes search mine as he speaks. "Will you do me the great privilege, of marrying me?" 

"Yes, yes, yes!" He grabs me by the waist and pulls me into his arms as he kisses me. He places the ring on my finger and I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me off the ground. Spinning me before he kisses me again. He laughs into my mouth as he pulls me closer at my waist. Suddenly I heard music and when I looked around to see where it was coming from a live band was in the corner. I look up at him as he holds his hand out for me and spins me into the open space before taking me at my waist again. We started dancing as the music faded into the night air. 

"I can't believe we're engaged," I whisper against his collar and I hear him smile as he exhales.

"I can't wait to marry you." I look up at him as he gives me a fireworks smile, his eyes warm and full of love. I have never felt so loved and safe, then this very moment. 

"Mr and Mrs Hiddleston." he smiles exuberantly. 

"You and me, forever."

"Forever,"  I breathe as he spins me and we dance until the stars came out to play.

Thank you for reading ! If you enjoyed this story check out my latest one, "To be, or not to be?" 

- Elize x  

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