Chapter 2

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"Tom?" I stuttered. Was I going to tell him I knew who he was, or maybe just pretend not to recognize him? Maybe, I should just wait and pretend that he is a complete stranger... Get to know the real man, not the depiction of who people think he is. Something about his soft-spoken demeanor and sincere smile made me curious, so despite the voice in my mind telling me to take a selfie with him and tell him how much I admire his work, I decided to be oblivious. "Short for Thomas I presume?" he nodded, looking at me intently, probably trying to see if I knew who he was, I kept my face unreadable. "Pleasure to meet you too."

He smiled, as he took a sip of his tea, he must have been amused at the thought of someone not recognizing him. 

"So, Scarlett, apart from getting cappuccinos spilled over you, what are you doing in Paris? Here for the holidays?" I couldn't help but notice the way he smelled,  his scent was intoxicating. 

"I am here for the holidays, I have been here for two weeks, and a day." I smile and he returns the gesture. "I've never really been on my own, especially not overseas. I've always wanted to do it, and I finally just went for it. It was strange spending Christmas away from my family, but there is something different about being in Paris for Christmas, it was incredible !" he laughs at my enthusiasm. "Sorry," he places his hand on my arm, leaning so close I can see the freckles on his nose and cheeks. 

"Don't apologize, I enjoy listening to you." He sits back and drinks his tea. "So, you're alone here? I also spent Christmas alone, for the first time in, I think ever! So we have that in common, alone in Paris on Christmas." he looks at my pastry. "You really should finish that, it looks incredible. What is it?"

"I have no idea! I just had to have it, do you want one?"

"You know darling, I think I'll never forgive myself if I don't, can I get you anything else?"

"I'm good thanks," he nods as he gets up to walk to the counter, but before leaving he touches my shoulder. 

"I really am sorry about the cappuccino, I apologize unreservedly." he smiles, squeezing my shoulder softly. "But I'm not sorry for meeting you." he strolls off and I'm left stunned and dazed. 

I wonder why he was alone on Christmas? He must have been invited to numerous parties and events, I'm sure. I finished my last sip and took a bite of my pastry. It was delicious, the cinnamon apple stuffing was still warm as it oozed out into my plate and melted in my mouth. I took another mouthful and just as I stuffed it in my mouth he was in front of me, bright white teeth showing. I smiled as he laughed at my chipmunk cheeks, and I chewed quickly before swallowing. 

"Scarlett, where are you from? I can't quite place your accent, it is so subtle, I'm usually good at accents." I know. I smile. 

"From South Africa, I live in the Western Cape." He nods knowingly. 

"South Africa ey? Makes sense now. So, how long are you staying in Paris?"

"Basically as long as I want to, a month, maybe two. I'm kind of wandering all of Europe this year. I finished my master's degree last year and felt like I needed to do something adventurous and wildly exciting!" I notice his defined cheekbones and jawline as he licks his lower lips, and I catch my breath. "And you, Tom? Why alone in Paris? Especially on Christmas?"

"Lately, my life has been a whirlwind of craziness, and I've been so busy that I feel I've lost track of who I really am. I just needed some time on my own, to experience the pleasures life has to offer. Decompress and refocus. And I needed to do that alone, get perspective on what really matters, you know?"

"I do, I understand completely." He takes a bite of the pastry. 

"C'est Si Bon..." he moans softly, and I feel my lower lip sting as I bite into it involuntarily. 

"It really is good!" He pulls his face in ecstasy and it is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. I decide not to press him for more information about his lonesome stay in Paris, and rather change the subject to something more lighthearted. 

"Tom, you can not make sounds like that, we're in a public place." He looks up at me from his trance, shock turns into a devilish grin. 

"I apologize, darling," he seems to be just as stunned by my comment as I am. "Scarlett, there is an art exhibition I would like to visit this evening,"

"Yes?" He looks down, and I can almost swear he is nervous. 

"And I was wondering if you would you like to accompany me?" He looks at me, a smile trailing his lips. "I feel I owe you, and please, let me pay for your dry cleaning," I was about to say no, when he stopped me, "I insist." I looked at his face for a moment, trying to control my breathing. 

"I would love to, and," he raised an eyebrow. "If you insist." he smiled triumphantly. 

"Wonderful!" he looked at my trousers, and the devilish grin returned. 

"What?" he leaned in closer, biting his lip.

"Let's get you out of these wet clothes." 

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