Chapter 4

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25th April 2014 8:00 m

We were just getting ready for a night out seen as the first day had gone so well. I pulled on a little black dress and a pair of heels me and alfie took some pictures on his phone and headed out of the door. We collected Zoe and Louise on the way.

10:00 pm

I stumbled over to the bar to get more drinks, we were way to drunk. When they had made them I picked them up and begun to walk over to our table but I stopped in my tracks. Alfie was sat kissing another girl. I dropped the glasses and ran out. They smashed loudly on the floor. Alfie noticed and begun chasing after me. I charged into our room and locked myself in the bathroom. I heard alfie rattle the door. He was screaming at me to open but I wouldn't. I was hysterical. Tears were dropping everywhere. I grabbed a razor and cut into my skin. Blood poored out. I collapsed against the door and cried and cried. I looked at my arm and then in my locket. The picture inside made me cry even more. There was a knock.

"Grace, it's Zoe, do you want to come to my room," she asked.

" yes" I whimpered as I opened the door.

She put her arm around me not caring that the blood was everywhere. Alfie was sat on the bed with his head in his hands. When we got to Zoe's she got a bandage and wrapped my arm up. I felt like the day Scott got arrested. I automatically cried.

"Gracie, why are you doing this to yourself?" She asked me.

" you really want to know why zo?" I replied half sober.

" yes yes i do!"

"When I was little my dad died and my mum got a new husband. She was always out and I got left with Scott. He abused me," I pointed at my arm," one time the police found out and took me to hospital. They found out I was pregnant with his child. It was too late to have an abortion, so I went through with it. I had a little girl called olivia. I wanted to keep her but they took her away in my sleep. I fought them but it didn't work. They also found out I had severe depression and anxiety. They didn't want any communication so they changed my last name and moved me to Brighton."

I handed her the locket that had spots of blood on. In it was a picture of my baby girl. She handed it back to me and I crawled into the spare bed and shut my eyes. Soon enough alfie came round. I pretended I was asleep. He scooped me up in his arms and took me back to the room. He tucked me into the double bed and sat in the chair watching me. Eventually I fell asleep.

26 th April 2014 10:00am

I woke up yawning and stretching again but this time there was no alfie. Part of me was glad and part wasn't . I got up to make a cup of tea. A note awaited me.

"I am so so so so sorry Gracie, please forgive me, it was a mistake I swear. You were so peaceful so I didn't want to disturb you. We are at the meet and greet so if you have time pop down please. Once again I am so sorry!"

I sighed and popped the note behind the mirror. I then got changed. This time I pulled out a navy jersey and a pair of tartan leggings. Alfie s jerseys were the cosiest.

I made my way out of the room and into the lobby. There was already a limo waiting. He nodded at me and I got in. As soon as we were there a guy in a suit directed me through a door. I spotted alfie at a table signing pictures. I walked through and kissed him on the fore head. He pulled me down onto his lap. I coiled myself around his waist and he kissed me this time, for longer. It felt like a million fireworks inside of me. The whole crowd awwed. Lucy was stood talking to joe and his fans. I just clung on to his neck hiding my arms down his back. The guards called a break and he carried me through to his dressing room.

"I for-" I started

"Oh shush" he commanded as he strides over to me kissing me lovingly. Louise walked in.

"Ewwwww," she said shaking her pink dip dyed hair around and walked straight out.

Alfie locked the door behind her and walked back over to me. His lips just met mine when then speaker blared for us to go out.

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