Chapter 23

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The first person to answer the request I put in the previous chapter gets a shoutout!


She was curled up on the floor moaning in pain. She stopped moaning and her chest wasn't moving. This scared me.

What was going on?

I ran out of the room into the corridor.

"HELP!" I screamed

Several doctors and nurses rushed to me and into our room.

I ran after them and stood in the corner.

They attempted to get her back on the bed and plugged her back into her drip.

They wheeled her out and down the familiar route to the operating theatre. I followed them and yet again was locked out.

I didn't try fighting back this time.

There was no point.

I could hear a constant beeping.

"Grace," I whimpered.

I slumped over to the brittle blue chair. I looked over to see Louise and Zoe.

"Hey alfie," Zoe said in her chirpy voice.

I waved in an attempt to say hi.

"Alfie what's up?" Louise asked.

I tried to speak but the familiar feeling of warm, salty tears overcame me.

Louise walked over to the window and put her hand over her mouth at the sight.

"Bloody hell," she whispered with a singular tear rolling down her freshly blushed cheek.

Zoe then joined her and did the same.

They hugged each other and turned to me.

"It might be the... The... End," I said beginning to sob violently.

The amount of times I have been in tears in this corridor is unreal.

"Alfie don't say that," Zoe snapped starting to get stern.

Louise nodding at her as if it was right to say that. I have never seen Zoe like that before, or Louise for that matter. It must because they love grace as much as me.

ZOES hand delved into her bag and brought out my favourite sweets, rowntrees randoms. I nodded at her in appreciation. I seem to have lost my voice permanently or something. Everyone has gotten used to my new loss of speech when I am sad now. It happens a lot. I put my head in my hands and wondered. Why grace? Why not me! If I hadn't have talked to her in the airport this might not have even happened! You dick alfie.

I started to overthink things and started to have a panic attack. Louise noticed and started to rub my back.

"Zoe!" She shouted.

Zoe looked up from her coffee and her jaw dropped.

"Shit!" She exclaimed.

They told me to calm down but I couldn't. There is every chance my wife is going to die within the next second. It's all a load of bollocks really.

After I had calmed down I walked around the hospital to exercise my legs. When I got back Louise and Zoe immediately stopped talking. They were clearly talking about me! When they realised I noticed they turned away sheepishly their faces turning a light shade of beet root.

It was all quiet in the theatre. I stood at the door with my hand on the glass, imagining I was in there with her, holding her dainty hand. I saw the doctors exchange looks. I couldn't tell whether this was of worriedness or happiness. I anchored my way towards the happy Idea and paced back and forth between the two close walls. Eventually I sat down on the chair and placed my hands together.

I squeezed them tight.

And I prayed.

I prayed that my Girl would pull through this and through another day.

Just for me.

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