Chapter 20

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I stood breathing heavily hidden by a pillar in the hospital.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

That twat doctor smith lied straight to my face.

I was so. So so. Infuriated.

I clenched my fists ready to smash the doctors face in.

What would I do in two weeks time when my true love will be gone forever?

I patted my pockets and checked my car keys and my phone were in them.


I put my hood up and ran through the corridors. I sprinted through the car park until I got to my Audi. I slammed the doors shut and put my keys into ignition.

I zoomed through the lanes until I came to it.

I took my phone out of my pocket.

I unlocked it.

I opened Instagram.

I clicked on direct.

I took a blank picture.

I typed in:

I just wanted to let you know I love you all.

Before they realise I will be long gone.

I got out of my car and shut the doors with force.

I locked it.

I walked up the steps.

I found the roof of the tallest building in Brighton.

I sat down on the edge.


I had lost Louise Zoe and joe so I went to find a seat. God this airport was a lot bigger than the one we went to for playlist live. I looked like a right knob with my sunglasses on inside but we have to because being recognised in airports is the worst.

Aimlessly I strolled towards the row of seats. I looked up from my phone and my eyes greeted me with the sight of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had waist length ombré hair that was waved slightly. She was wearing high waisted denim shorts, a mint green tank top, a cream chunky knit cardigan and galaxy nebula vans.

We had identical purple beats and I could hear paramore playing from them.

Damn I love that band.

She must have felt someone watching her because she looked up at me. Our eyes connected for a moment but then we awkwardly looked away from each other. Her smile was amazing.


The wedding chorus blasted through the church organ. Joe stood beside me and looked back. He nodded at me. I turned around and saw the most beautiful woman ever. Her ivory dress came past her feet and was trailing behind her. Her veil had small diamonds scattered all over. The veil covered her brunette, glossy hair. Her dazzling blue eyes met mine and I saw the girl I fell in love with 6 years ago.

Thinking of all those memories hurt my heart but I knew this was for the best. I checked my phone for the last time and I turned it off. I shoved it into my back pocket and stood up. I could see the whole of Brighton from here. I spotted my mums house and gave a gentle wave to it.

I moved my toes to the edge.

Jump alfie jump.

This was it.


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