Chapter 22

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I am adding a new character in the next chapter or so to be caspars girlfriend who plays a part in the hospital. so comment on the story and my favourite idea will be her and I will try and incorporate the other IdeAs. Please include.

Full name




Attitude (nice funny)

Dress style

Any other infooooo

Ty xx


I stayed at Louise's last night, Zoe went and told grace I was shopping so I wouldn't worry her. The hospital rang me an hour ago telling me the news, I pretended like I didn't know when I did. I am going to the hospital in a bit after I have washed and dressed. Oh Lucy and joe had their wedding postponed and checked whether grace could come. They gave it the Ok to go so that is in 11 days time!

When I got out the shower Louise Matt and Darcy were still asleep so I left them a note thanking them and that I was at the hospital.

I pushed the keys in ignition and drove to the hospital. When I got there there was a youngish girl sat on a bench looking a bit gloomy. When I went a bit closer I saw that she had a YouTube phone case on and a T-shirt saying. "What's up guys" . <<AN> this is something Alfie says if you didn't know already> I smiled at that . She looked about 13 and had long ish hair that was brown. I walked over and sat by her.

"Hey" I said.

She looked up and sheer excitement spread across her face.

"Shit, oh my god it's alfie deyes," she stammered.

I laughed.

"Why are you here?" I asked trying not to invade her privacy.

"Well erm I heard grace was ill and I wanted to see if I could see someone to ask to tell her that. That was so I didn't seem like I was prying into your personal buissness. Oh and by the way I'm Molly, Molly Taylor." She said, her grimace still plastered over her face.

"Why don't you tell her yourself," I told her.

"Really?" She questioned.

"Yeah ," I replied laughing a little.

She gave a little squeak of excitement and followed me to the ward. Grace was already sat up in her bed. I walked over and gave her a kiss and remembered that Molly was stood awkwardly in the corner.

"Grace, this is Molly, she came to say hi," I started.

Grace beckoned her over and they started chatting away. Whilst they were doing that I lifted Kirsty out of her cot and gave her a massive hug. I then let her free, allowing her to roam the room on her stubby hands and feet.



"My mum is picking me up now, thank you sosososososossosososo much!" Molly exclaimed.

"It's ok" we chorused.

When she left we sat talking for a while about random things. I then picked up Kirsty and put her in her cot. I heard a groan and a clatter and I turned around to see grace doubled up in pain on the floor.


I watched alfie put Kirsty back in the cot. He was such a good dad. Ouch. Shit my stomach. It has been hurting for weeks now but I haven't told anyone. It has gradually got worse and worse until now. This has been the peak of it. I haven't told alfie because he would be too worried. I groan as the agony takes over me and I slip out of my bed and clatter onto the floor. I hit my head hard but that pain was nothing compared to this. It felt like someone was setting my stomach alight. I tried to look up to tell alfie something but my eyes went black and the pain stopped.

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