Chapter 15

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A./N. Just a quick one,

Thank you so much for over 250 views, I really do appreciate it, if you can keep on voting and commenting that would be great, the first comment on this chapter gets a shoutout :*

17th July 2021


It has been 5 months since our baby has entered this world.

I decided on the name, Kirsty Louise Zoe Lucy Deyes. Why so many middle names you ask. They all came from the supportive people around us. I'm sure grace would approve.

Grace is still in a coma. No changes, nothing better, nothing worse. The doctors said I could take Kirsty for a walk today. From how small she was before she has grown a lot. I picked her up out of her cot and gave her a hug. She garbled appreciatively. I lay her in Zoe's hooked arm whilst I got changed. I pulled my vans on and looked over at them. It hurt my heart to know that grace can't see her but I knew soon she would. I lifted Kirsty up and changed her into a pink stripey top, a little denim dress and some tights. I put on her mini converse and her coat and fetched the push chair from the corner of our private room. I kissed Gracie on the head and headed out. We waited outside the elavator and travelled to the bottom floor. I wheeled her through the corridors and past reception where I gained several ahhs. I then reached the automatic doors. Freedom! Or so I thought.

I was hit by a sudden wave of flashes and clicks. It was the paps. Shit!

"Alfie how is your wife?"

"Is this your child?"

"Youtube watchers everywhere are worried, why aren't you filming,"

"Is this the end of pointless blog?"

"Is grace dead?"

"How are you Alfie?"

I nodded and waved and veered off too the left. They followed me. Everywhere I went they followed me. Kirsty started to cry so I lifted her out of the pushchair.

"Come on kirst daddy's here," I comforted.

I could hear her little sigh as she fell asleep on my shoulder. All of the paps finally shut up as they awwed at the sight. After a couple more clicks they were gone. I made my way to a bench at the front of the hospital. I could see Amy making her way over to me. She took Kirsty out of my arms and started to sing her a lullaby. I nodded in gratitude. I wish Gracie could see her grown up daughter. She strapped her back in the pushchair and kissed her forehead.

"Aren't you coming in," I asked

"Um.." She started to walk awAy.

I grabbed her wrists to stop her. My fingers felt a ridge in her skin, and another, and another. I turned her wrist around to find scars on her arm. I could see tears in her eyes. I pulled her into my chest and gave her a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder exactly like grace had done on the plane that time. I ran my fingers through her mass of curly hair.

"Hey hey mum wouldn't want to see you like this now would she," I said.

She shook her head delicately.

"I'll come and see you tomorrow I swear," she stated throughout her sobs.

She pulled away and started to walk into town.

"AMY," I screamed.

She kept on walking.

I got my phone out of my pocket and dialed Lucy.

"Hello," she answered.

"Lu can you keep an eye on Amy because I think she's going down a bad route," I exclaimed

"Yeah yeah of course," she said but then I was cut off by signal.

I turned to go back inside when I came across Amy's phone on the pavement. I couldn't help but look.




Attention seeker.


I hope you die in hell.

Go kill yourself

They were some of the messages from unknown people. It shocked and hurt me. I could see her heading down the path to get her phone as she must of noticed she dropped it. I passed it to her and looked at her with sympathy yet dissaprovement.

" alfie,' she started.

"Don't you even dare Amy, I can't come to terms on how you didn't even tell anyone. I MEAN WHAT THE HELL?" I exclaimed.

I walked off inside pushing Kirsty. Could hear her running after me. I stopped and turned around.


She had a point. Not for one moment I had stopped and thought about her. Maybe it was time you thought about others and grace, alfie. Maybe that's the key. Forget all the negatives and focus on the positives. I looked up to say sorry to her but she had already disappeared. I pushed Kirsty to reception and ran out. I ran down the streets and different alleys.

I nearly gave up on finding her when I heard someone crying in pain. I walked about a hundred metres on until I found Amy. Bruised and battered on the floor. Blood spilling from her lip ,nose and ankle.

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