Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to ellie_1238xx
She won le competition in the last chapter, there will be a new one available soon though!


I ran away from alfie crying until I reached a small quiet corner of town. I sat down and started to delete the messages on my phone
Someone cleared their throat.
I looked up to see Jodie and her gang of ruthless bullies. One of them pinned me down whilst the rest beat me up. One kicked my ankle and I winced in pain. They all laughed and ran off.
Next thing I knew alfie was stood by my side. I tried to move my arm but I failed and it collapsed in a heap with me and I passed out.


Amy's crys had stopped. The movement of her chest was becoming less frequent. Bollocks I thought. I carefully scooped her up in my arms and started to run back to the hospital.
When I got there I was crowded by a flood of doctors and nurses. They told me Kirsty was back in our room. Another took Amy out of my arms and started to run off down the theatre route. I ran after but I stopped outside the window and watched. I couldn't tell what they were doing. I started to wander back to the elevator. I could see Zoe and joe and Louise and Matt heading my way. I stopped to say hi.
The words couldn't leave my lips and I couldn't move my arm to wave.

"Alfie are you okay"

"Alfie you have gone really pale"

"Alfie mate just breathe"

"Alfie come on stop joking"

"Alfie listen"

But I couldn't. Their words were slowing down and I couldn't make out who was talking.
My head was spinning.
I couldn't breath.
Everyone was going blurred.
Until I hit the cold ground of the hospital floor.


I instantly let go of Lou's hand and ran to the nearest doctor I could find.


The one doctor or nurse dropped all their files and ran after me.


Oh no. I knew alfie was too stressed.
It had just got the better of him.


Shitting hell. Alfie's just fainted.
I could see matt running down with a nurse.

"Hello my name is nurse Debbie, what seems to be the problem," she spoke in a dumb founded way.

We all put our heads in our hands and sighed.

"Oh," she said.

She kneeled down by him and checked his heart rate and his pulse. They were both fine.

"This was a cause of stress,' she explained.

A doctor started walking towards us with a wheel chair. Finally a real bloody doctor.


Ouch my head. I tried to get up but failed. I slowly opened my eyes to see matt joe Zoe and Louise all by me. There was also a nurse and a doctor. They lifted me onto o wheelchair and took me back to our room where they did some testing.
I was fine. I started to speak and walk pretty soon. Zoe was sat on one side of the bed holding graces hand whilst Louise was on the other. Joe was playing around with Kirsty. Matt was watching something on his iPad. The doors slowly creaked open. And in they wheeled Amy in a chair.
I ran over and asked how she was. She had a severely broken ankle and bruises and cuts but otherwise she was fine. She gave me a limp hug and then wheeled herself over to Zoe and Louise.


"What happened" I asked

She shook her head. I looked at Louise. She took her hands.


"Come on Amy, this isn't like you to get in fights. I mean look where's it's got you," she said pointing at my legs and my face And then at my arms.
I acted like they did that aswell but Zoe knew and so,did Louise. They didn't question me about it, they just gave me the look of understanding.
Zoe put he hand at the bottom of my chin to lift it up but instead she just cAught a load of my tears.

"Oh Amy," they said.

I turned around to see alfie asleep. I didn't mean what I said earlier I swear. Joe passed me Kirsty and I rocked her gently in my arms. I looked at her then alfie then mum then me.
I knew we could fight this battle.
I knew we could defy all the odds.
I knew we could still be a family.

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