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Chapter 2 ~ the barrier

I run past trees and other buildings, being raided by metal warrior troops from many nations. They are taking money from every store and home. Mother planned for a day like today. She planned to take the old escape route from our basement to the safe house that is connected to many other houses. There is a food storage and shelter there. I know she will be ok but there's no way I can run there now and not lead the others to them. Hiding behind bushes as I go I don't think iv been seen. There's sounds of glass being broken and doors being knocked off their frames.

As the barrier comes into view on the horizon I can feel the wind picking up. The barrier is very tall so I'm not sure how I'll pass it. There's a fire tornado up ahead. Our warriors must be trying to out it out to no avail, yet. There's metal cubes being flung out of the tornado which I have to dodge as I go. One lands right in front of me and I pick it up. It's the size of a dice but at its speed it would have left me with a huge bruise. I push it into my dress pocket and keep running as fast as I can. My legs are getting tired but I know if I'm caught bad things could happen. Warriors from many nations can be seen up ahead. Our warriors are out numbered but I hope they can win. They're trying to summon rain but with so much heat and smoke it's hard. There's even a group of ice warriors who have come to help, but against fire, they have no chance. The wind is getting stronger and making it hard to see. I cough a but at all the smoke that's flying around. I try to keep going but eventually stop and sit under a tree as I can no longer see more than a meter away from me. Coughing I try to stay low to the ground where there's most air. Suddenly I hear footsteps and wind blowing from a few meters away. I gasp as the smoke around me stops and I look at the shadow of someone. There hair is dark brown and curly, she has dark freckles like her skin and a scared looks on her face.

"Are you ok?" She asks sitting down.

"I think so." I reply, letting out another cough.

"Let me get rid of that smoke for you." She says, opening her small bag. It's like a small pouch but it's attract bed to a string. She's wearing it like a bag. The girl pulls out a bottle with a yellow drink inside. She passes it to me.

"Drink a few sips." She instructs as I open the lid. A sweet and fruity smell comes out and I bring the bottle to my lips. I sip five sips and pass it back. I let out one more cough before feeling better. Also, everything seems clearer.

"Thank you." I say. She smiles back as the noise of someone's footsteps fill the air.

"Someone's coming, let's run!" She says as we get up and start bolting for the barrier.

The barrier must be about ten meters high. It runs around the whole of Stream. Past the barrier should be the ice kingdom where there is safety, I think. The barrier gets bigger and bigger as we get closer and by the time we reach it I start panicking, there's no easy way over.

"How do we pass?" I ask the girl as she turns her back to the wall and holds her hands down to the ground, like she's showing me her nails. I see they are neat and clean as a strong wind blows from them, forcing her up. This is when I realise she must be an air element. She leans over and pulls me up, after I jump a few times. We stand at the top and look at Stream. There's fighting going on not far away and many of the shops are damaged. We turn to the other side of the barrier and I shiver. It's snowing in this town and it's freezing. There's many trees but no obvious place to sleep.

Water ~ Elementians book 1Where stories live. Discover now