Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 ~ Book of Fire

Flicking through the book I see information on how to make a flame and what thoughts help when creating fire. Thinking of heat works but thinking of fire just makes your mind scared or something. What ever, I'm still determined to stop the metal kingdom with my new power. River is really good at controlling fire, she can put thinks on fire and move big amounts around. It's good that we also control water, you know, to put out my fire misses. We are now in the spare bedroom and I'm practicing controlling fire. River is pretty good and after she checked how she's going the book says she has only a quarter to go before being fully trained in fire. In water she is pretty much fully trained, wouldn't want to get in her way.

"So Metallica." Says River. "What can you do with metal?"

"Well I can make metal cubes and throw them about five meters. Also I can make metal come out from the ground." She says, holding her hand out, palm down. She moves her hand up and a metal rock thing comes out of the ground. It reaches her hand before she pushes it back down into her metal floor.

"That's so cool." I say.

"No, you being able to control two elements is so cool!" She says as I make a ball of water in one hand and fire in the other.

"If I could control another element it would be electricity." Says Skye, swirling some of her hair.

"Why?" Asks River.

"Because you could zap people." Skye laughs.

"I would control... Earth. You could tell trees to move and make boulders move out of the way." Says Metallica.

"If I could control another one, even if that's impossible, I would control...snow. Then I would have a balance with now freezing water, water putting out fire and fire melting snow." I say.

"It is possible to control more than two elements. If your parents each control different elements, say one is from air and fire and the other is water and earth, the son or daughter would be able to control them all, or just two." Says river and I nod. I wonder if there's anyone else out their with two elements?

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