Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 ~ Metal rain

I open my eyes and groan. My head hurts, and my arms, and my legs. Looking around I see I'm undercover, but still in the city. It sounds like its raining. The girl looks at me and smiles.

"Are you ok? You blanked out." She says and I nod. Looking at my legs I see there are tiny little blue bruises.

"I'm ok. Where are we?" I ask as I look around to see its nit rain, but metal cubes.

"In the city, just last the centre. The war isn't far away and we have to keep going... Er, what's your name?" She asks and I realise I haven't told her my name.

"I'm Rani Inferno, you?"

"Skye Windblow." She replies as I look at the sky. There's another tornado in the distance but this one has metal, fire and water coming out the top. Water, they couldn't have taken over Stream, could they? I get up and sigh. The cubes are flying for ages in every direction. It seems impossible to pass.

"How can we pass?" I ask her.

"We can't. We have to wait for it to stop." She replies.

"But they are coming this way, aren't they?" I ask her.

"It does seem so. Iv been following since the air kingdom and it's being heading this way. Maybe they're going back to metal since it's past Fire?" She suggests. Looking out at the cube rain I sigh. We have to keep going, or get caught.

We sit around for a while, but the noise is getting louder. Then I realise something, we have powers.

"Why don't we use our powers to pass?" I ask her and she thinks.

"It might work, but against all this it would be tiring. I don't think I can cover for you again, it's gotten harder." She explains and I nod. Opening my hand I make two small water balls and swirl them in circles over my palm. Skye just watches the cube rain and the fight going on in the distance. Suddenly the metal stops falling from the sky and we look around. All is quiet, except for the warriors shouting, screaming and the sound of glass braking.

"Let's go." Says Skye as we take our things and start running. I'm not sure how long we have but we have to go as far as we can. I wonder why they stopped pushing cubes into the tornado? We turn a corner and spot the forest looming ahead. We are so close yet so far. I look back to see the cubes flying from the tornado, hitting the ground not far away. Skye must have seen it to because she just looks at me wide eyed.

Now, you may not think of these cubes to be deadly but they can be. Being hit by many of them at once can weigh you down. It's a harder, faster and more painful version of hail. It must be why the metal nation decides to use it so often.

We keep running, closer and closer to the forest. I just hope we can hide under a string branch of those small trees and hide. Or will the metal destroy the branches? It's the best looking shelter near by so we have to try.

What will happen next? Will they make it? Or will they go another way?

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