Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 ~ Forest Flames

The cubes are so close, I'm sure they are landing in the ends of my hair. The forest is so close too. We reach the forest and dive under a tree. Metal cubes rain from above, hitting the branches and bouncing down through the occasional hole.

"We made it." Puffs Skye to which I nod as we sit down. By now its late afternoon with only a few more hours left of daylight. Suddenly my stomach growls and I blush.

"Looks like I'm hungry from all that running." I say blushing as I get out my bread and take some bites. Looking into the village, from our spot not deep in, I see smoke hovering along the ground. Glass being smashed hits our ears and my heart starts thumping hard for no reason. Another window is smashed, but this time even louder. Through the smoke a figure walks along. Then I realise there's more of them, many figures, people, men, warriors. They have silver uniforms and bruises all over them. We hide behind a bush and watch as they continue wrecking windows and searching inside for what I can guess is money.

"We need to go." Whispers Skye.


"Let's go up a tree." She suggests as we crawl to the base of a tree.

Skye climbs first while I watch the warriors destroying the doors and windows of the shops not far away. Once Skye is up I climb. There's many branches to hold onto as I climb so I make it up to s strong branch easily. We hook our bags onto some branches and watch the warriors as they finish wrecking everything and start heading towards the forest, towards us. I start getting nervous as they start trekking through the forest. As they come nearer to us I see some have silver uniforms with a red tint. These ones are at the back, waiting for everyone else to go through.

"What are they waiting for?" I whisper to Skye who shrugs her shoulders in reply. We watch as the other warriors walks under and last our tree along with almost all the red tinted uniform soldiers. They wait for everyone to pass before starting walk. I watch in horror as they start putting the near by trees and bushes on fire. They have to be fire warriors, taken over by the metal kingdom. They run fire along the ground, including the base of our tree. The flames engulf the bushes and grass on the ground and one flame starts coming up our tree. I'm so frightened by the flames that I forget about the warriors. I look around but guess that he must have continued.

The smoke is strong and causes us to cough, a lot. The flame has almost made it up our tree before I remember about my element. I'm always forgetting about that, mainly because I don't go to one of those element specific schools. Quickly I use my water to put out the fire climbing out tree while Skye fans the smoke away from us. Soon I have stopped the fire near us and. We have a good air bubble around us thanks to Skye. We sit in the tree for a while, getting used to breathing normal again. The forest is still on fire around us but I'm tired from putting the small amount I did out.

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