Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 ~ nerves

River has gotten us a room which is where we leave all our things. We've changed into white tops with grey pants. Metallica gave us silver jumpers and we have boots on too.

"We have to make sure they win this." Says River, brushing her hair.

"Do we use our two elements?" I ask.

"We have to, if we want them to win. " River replies as we all sit down together.

Our plan is that as soon as we hear it starting we run out and join the fight. Skye has given us all one bottle full of medicine that makes you feel better instantly. It smells like mango and oranges. She said it's the same medicine she gave me when we first met. When the battle starts we fight until we win. If we don't win we make sure we are safe.

"I'm slightly nervous." Says Metallica before bed.

"Same." I say.

"Me too." Says Skye.

"We all are, and it's normal. Just make sure to stay safe and if you need help just call. Watch each other's back and keep any other kids safe." Instructs River. "Now you all need a good nights rest." We all put our heads to our pillows and start sleeping. All I can think about is what we are about to do. We are going to fight a huge army, expose ourselves as multi-Elementals and hopefully save the last free city. No pressure.

In the morning we wake up early to the sound of a bell going outside. Like a bell used in a clock to tell you the hour. But this one is being hit repeatedly over and over.

"What's that?" Asks Skye, rubbing her eyes. I sit upright and shake Metallica awake. River is the most awake and answers her.

"The emergency alarm. They're here."

Cliff hanger! Bet this may be the most annoying one. Hope you are excited to read about it. Tell me in the comments which element you would love to control and don't forget to ⭐️⭐️vote ⭐️⭐️ :D

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