Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 ~ Rush of Metal

Opening my eyes I shield them from the sun that's blaring in my face. I moan and lie on my stomach to avoid the sun. The noise of leaves crumpling in my ear wakes me up. I bolt upright and realise It was just my 'pillow'.

"Rise and shine." Says the girl. I wipe my eyes and try to adjust to the light.

"Morning." I reply as I see she's rolled up her blankets and pillow. Getting up I do the same.

"We leaving right away?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I found something to eat for us. Strawberries and blueberries. Also there was an orange tree so I squeezed us some orange juice into two of my empty bottles." Explains the girl.

"Wow thank you!" I reply as she hands me some berries and some orange juice in one of her weird shaped bottles.

We finish eating and she hands me a weird leaf item that looks like ropes attached in some way.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Watch." Is all she says as she picks up my blankets and pillows that I have wrapped up and pushes it into the ropes. Once done I realise its a kind of backpack.

"Smart." I say as we get up and start walking. I just follow as we go behind bushes and trees. I see some kids in the town centre, boys and girls, learning how to fight. They must be the back up army, how sad. I hold back tears as we walk past.

There's people walking around, looking into the distance at the tornado. The metal cubes aren't reaching here luckily. The girl stops at a sign with a map on it.

"Look, here we are in this part of the Snow kingdom, Frost and the fire is just that way." She says pointing. "There's two ways to get to the fire kingdom. One means passing a forest, the other going through a snow desert."

"Let's go forest, there would be more shelter and food." I reply as we sit down on a bench. The training is over and the kids are running about. I watch as two kids, about eight and ten, come out of a bakery with a huge basket full of bread. They go up and down the street asking if anyone wants some. They come to us and I decide to get two. The girl has no money but I have some so I pay for us. We take a few bites before we pack them in our backpacks.

Suddenly there is the sound of stone crumbling. A strong wind blows from behind us and we turn to see that part of the barrier has been smashed. People run indoors and I quickly look at the girl.

"Run!" She says quickly as we start running in the opposite direction. The towns army runs outside, but these aren't the kids. They meet up with the Metal warriors who are shooting cubes everywhere. We run just ahead of the cube rain and reach undercover to catch our breath.

"Where do we go?" I ask as she points to deep into the city. I nod and we continue running. We pass some shops that have started taping their windows shut and locking their doors. The cubes are raining not far behind. My heart is thumping hard in my chest as we run. We reach the centre of the city, take a glance at the beautiful fountain, and keep going. The sound of windows braking and warriors shouting is all that can be heard. I can hear the girl panting loudly, or is that me? Looking back I see the cubes are only a few meters away and gaining fast. There isn't any shelter near by and I'm getting tired. Suddenly I feel them starting to hit me, then everything goes blank.

Cliffhanger! Hope you guys are enjoying so far! Receiving any comments really brightens my day.

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