Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 ~ the battle part 3

By now it's been about six hours straight, iv been to the nurse tent four times and have only got one scratch on my leg below the knee from some stupid fire warrior. He didn't know what was coming when he did that, I washed him off his feet.

Metallica and I are sticking together with no trance of Skye. I'm getting worried but I saw River who said she did see Skye going good. We stay up the top of Metallica's metal tower pretty much the whole time. The battle seems to be ending soon with over half of the warriors gone.

Metallica and I shoot from above at the opposition as they attack Icicle.

"Over there." I say, pointing to another metal warrior coming up. Metallica shoots at him and he falls back down. Next I rain fire balls from above down at the opposition.

Pretty much all the air warriors are gone so they can't make a tornado this time. They do have one tactic though. They lure an icicle warrior towards them and then blind them with light before attacking. By now most of us aren't falling for it.

Suddenly, from our spot up high I spot a girl with curly brown hair.

"Skye!" I scream down. She looks up and waves frantically. I see she's surrounded and talking to some of the warriors. Metallica and I are about ten meters high in the air, we can't jump down.

"We need to get down." I say.

"It's not that easy Rani." She replies as I look down at Skye. They are closing in.

I do something bold, stupid, silly, crazy, out of my mind and completely idiotic. I jump. The fall feels like forever. After a few seconds I push with water down at the ground. The water sprays in many directions and warriors everywhere fall. I land softly and run to Skye.

"Get away from her!" I scream as they don't budge but turn on me.

"Look at this one, must be this ones friend." Says a man coming towards me, his uniform shows he is electricity.

"I'm no little girl!" I scream at him as I use my fire at him. He runs back and I stop. They all look surprised.

"But, you just used water!" He says.

"I know that. I'm multi-elemental so go away and make this army leave before I use my other powers." I say threateningly. The warriors look at each other as I put my hands out as if I'm about to do something. They all rush away but obviously don't take the army with them.

"Thanks Rani." Says Skye as Metallica comes down.

"Hey girls. There's not many left, this is almost over." She says and we smile at each other. Now, I'm feeling confident.

Hope your enjoying. I say that every time haha. By the way iv started writing the sequel so there will be more after this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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