Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 ~ Victory plans

Looking outside I sigh. To think soon I will be up against them. The metal army, which is now training in the town square. Going back to the table with the others we talk.

"They train here every Saturday. So when ever you decide to defeat them, it would be on a Saturday. That is if you are going to do them all at once." Informs Metallica.

"How many are there in the army?" Asks River.

"They have the armies from every element now, except for the last city left in Snow, the city of Icicle. They are the strongest ice army but will soon be defeated." Says Metallica.

"We need to defeat a large amount, enough to make the metal kingdom stop this." I say.

"What will happen when they take over everything? There will be nothing left to take over and they will rule over everything? What's the point of that?" Asks Skye.

"They will make people work for them, for their comfort." Replies River.

"We can't beat them yet, we aren't even fully trained!" I say.

"Not yet, but we will be soon. You are half way in each element. I'm over half." Says River.

"Will you guys help us?" I ask Skye and Metallica.

"I guess we have to. But can only us four beat them?" Asks Metallica.

"That sounds unlikely." Says Skye.

"What if we get Fira to help." I say.

"We would have many elements covered with us five. Maybe we can do this." Says River.

"What do you mean maybe? We are going to do this." I reply, smiling to myself. Deep inside I'm doubting us winning but it's either that or defeat for everyone.

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