Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 ~ Sewing leaves

Jumping down, my boots make a loud thud. There isn't anyone near by to see us anyway. I realise how bad a decision it was to ditch my jumper and hug myself as we trek through the ankle deep snow. The girl walks ahead, making every trees leaves we walk past dance. Iv never seen an air element girl before, only the warriors who have attacked Stream. But they were evil, attacking in Metals place against innocent cities. It's all wrong, war is wrong. Why can't the Metal kingdom see that? They have their own kingdom and armies, do they really need more? They are targeting us now. Once air was taken over there wasn't much we could do. This war should be stopped, if only there was an easy way to stop it. If only war had an on and off button, one that I could jam off so we could all live in peace again.

"Let's find shelter, it's getting late." Says the girl. I look at the sky to see the fading sunset. I haven't even been worrying about the time, only our safety. We walk along the bushes and trees before we find a small corner, by the barrier. There's a tree hanging down over some bushes. We go under and find that it's warmer under here.

"Let's make blankets and pillows. I can show you how, I used to do it all the time. But first we need lots of leaves." Says the girl as we go out and look around for big leaves. We find a tree with many, many branches. Each with huge leaves about half a meter each. We take a huge pile with us to our 'hangout'. The girl opens her pouch and pulls out a needle and a long line of thread. She sits down one one leaf while I sit on another.

First she takes two and sews them together into a type of poncho. After a few minutes it's sewn tight and she hands it to me.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I have long sleeved clothing on, I'll be fine." She replies. It's true, she's in an old looking brown long sleeved top and matching pants. She makes it look like a thousand dollar outfit.

Next she takes five leaves and sews a blanket which is pretty good. Then she makes another. We only have about five left over now. Using four she makes two pillows which I stuff with snow. Looking at our pile of items I realise how dirty they are so I wash them with my water. They look very cold now that they're wet. We take one of each and I realise it's actually warm. That's strange. I think to myself as we pile the snow into beds.

"I should make us a blanket under neath too." Says the girl.

"I'll get some more." I reply, getting up and walking out from under the tree.

Going over to the tree with the big leaves I pull a few off. Looking around I can see a fire tornado in the distance on the other side of the barrier. The snow kingdom seems prepared but against fire I'm not sure on their chances. We will need to move in the morning, they could attack here next.

Returning I hand the girl the leaves and she quickly sews them into blankets. We pull them onto the snow and then place the pillows and blankets on top. Sitting on the very top we just sit silent, listening to the explosions and shouts from the war.

"It's so wrong." Whispers the girl to which I nod.

"The metal kingdom is evil. Pure evil." I reply.

"Not all of them. I have a friend, Metallica from... metal." She says quietly.

"We should meet her." I say.

"We couldn't, it's in the metal kingdom."

"But would there be war in the metal kingdom, because they are having war against everyone else."

"Maybe not. But I think we should go to fire next. That means passing by snow. In fire, which isn't far away, I have a cousin, Fira. We could stay with her for a while."

"Good idea."

Looking up at the sky I see the moon has rised up high. It must be about nine at night by now and I think it would be good to sleep now. The girl I'm with must think the same because she starts patting hers down and lies beneath the blanket. I do the same and lie down, staring at the branches. They're dark green in this night. Looking over at the girl I see she's already sleeping. Then I realise I haven't got her name. I'll ask her tomorrow.

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